My Green Anoles thrive...


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2004
Wicked cool.............I had the impression if the female did lay eggs they would get eaten, or be duds.

But today I found the smallest green anole I have ever seen, I quickly removed the little guy (for fear of being eaten or lack of ability to find or compete for food with it's parents) and placed in a small KK, and actually got to see the little guy eat a pinhead cricket.

Hope it's a female. Past posts I had mentioned the difficulty in obtaining properly sexed Anoles from local specialty stores.

Any tips on how to keep the little guy healthy wouldbe appreciated.

I have started to dust the little crickets I feed it, to up the calcium intake for strong bones. (Anole dust - by T-Rex).


Old Timer
Oct 6, 2003
Congratulations, Brian!
You must be doing something right! I don't hear of too many people breeding these things. I guess many don't bother trying to keep them properly?
Pics would be cool, that is, if your camera can focus that small. {D
Was there only the one? Do they lay single or double eggs? Most geckos lay two. I know these are not geckos, but you should check carefully for another baby.
Have fun!


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2004
"Baby" seems fitting

Thanks, Goon.

From what I read they lay one (two is rare) eggs at a time, and about 40-45 days to hatch. How often they lay eggs is still an unknown, I will have to keep an eye out for more little ones, this may be the first of many.

This is so cool.:D



Old Timer
Aug 27, 2004
I stand corrected Dragoon.........Baby count reaches three

May baby Green anole population apears to be increasing quickly. lol

Another was found in the tank, and added with the other baby, which has grown pretty quick. While feeding and changing the water dish in the babies KK, both had made a run for freedom and were quickly returned to the KK.

Five minutes later, while at my PC, I notice a small lizard walking along the floor, (thinking one of the two managed escape during tank maintenance).
I quickly placed the small little lizard in the KK, only to realize the count is now three. This also means the little hatchlings can squeeze through the lid of the main (parents) tank. (oh oh) lol

Obviously, I have created ideal breeding conditions in the tank, perhaps to curb the population growth, I'll let the tank dry out a bit, to create slightly less ideal breeding conditions, and deal with the three, possibly more from the most recent breeding season. lol


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2004

I currently have two tanks set up for anoles, which are set up with proper UVB and UVA lighting. If I was prepared a tank would have been set up for the babies, but as it was a bit of a supprise, the KK has to do the trick for now. Lighting is shared, it is a bit of a pain but each tank gets about 6 hrs of both types of lighting daily. This seems to be working but is only temporary, as I had the impression it was only for one, two, three, .........


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2005
We had a hatchling anole a couple weeks ago and left it in the tank with the parents. They do not bother it. The first couple days I thought I would need to move the baby because he seemed clueless on roach hunting. He figured it out and is quick compared to the parents. He usually gets 3 half head sized roaches in about 5 minutes when I dump them in each day.

We have also had at least 2 known dud eggs. They look good for a couple days and then shrivel up. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? I have about 1" of dry eco-earth at the bottom of the cage.

Temp at the bottom of the cage is around 78-80F. (This is enclosure is 2 10G tanks siliconed one atop the other).


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2004
Nothing overly special

The substrate is organic potting soil, about 2 - 3 inches, I use a 33 watt coil bulb for UVA and a spot light to increase temp. A fogger is setup in the corner, and set on a timer to come on ever 2 hours for about 15 min. This is so far the best I could do to re-create a rainforest environment within a 33 gal. tank.

The temp. ranges from about 72F at substrate level, to about 88F at basking area. Humidity varies from 40% (without fogger) to 70% (with fogger). Lighting is on timers.

PS- I would include a photo of the tank, but I can't seem to include a photo with this post.

Note: I was afraid of leaving the babies in the main tank, as the parents are currently eating medium crickets. The babies require pinheads, and to ensure they are eating, they were placed in the KK. Would adults cannabilize their young if hungry? I was not willing to chance this, and in the KK I can keep a closer watch on them.
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Old Timer
Aug 27, 2004
Baby Green Anoles Update

Unfortunately, after searching most of Ottawa's pet stores, large pinheads were all I could find (1/4"). Flightless fruitflies were unavailable anywhere. Because of the lack of small enough food, the smallest of the three was unable to eat. After purchasing the last of one stores last supply of pinheads, a few were found to be small enough. The little guy grabbed one out of starvation, fought with it and eventually it was his last and only almost meal, he was found dead about 15min later. :(

The other two are doing fine, and hopefully will be able to eat small crickets soon. As very few of the pet stores I visited carried pinheads, or had them in stock.

I decided to puchase a dozen large crickets and placed them in one of the larger tanks to promote breeding, and hopefully create a steady supply of pinheads for these little guys. I generally frown on crickets breeding in my tanks, but when food can't be purchased, it is an option.


Old Timer
Sep 4, 2005
I was thinking about getting some anoles but they need a very large cage.


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2004
Depends on how many you want

It is approxiamately 10 gallons per Anole, one is fine in a 10 gal. by itself, I intended on 3 (two females, one male), but ended up with the happy couple in the big tank, and the other lone male in another tank.

For the dollar they are the most entertaining little lizards available, they change colour from bright green to brown, the males have this red dewlap (skin flap under neck) which they display when interested in mating, and also for territorial disputes. In the morning when the lights come on they come out, and are visible most of the day.

Housing gets a little pricey to set up properly, but for the price of green anoles, the extra cash can be utilized for housing and lighting.

If I could figure out how to shrink a picture on this limited pc I would include a photo of the tank.