My golden lab...


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
Well i posted before that i got a golden lab with papers, its a female. I was kinda bullheaded on the idea of breeding her and getting at least 1 litter but now that i have really thought about it, and im not being so selfish, ive decided the best thing for her is to get fixed when shes old enough. I really would like to breed her but i just dont want to risk the cancer issue, i like my dog and i want her to stick around for awhile. Ive found out as a puppy (shes 6 weeks old) she really likes my little girl, she like to cuddle with her (supervised of course...) and gives her lots of licks. This is quickly becoming my favorite dog ever! She is starting to learn already to go potty outside which is nice. Only one problem, this dog LOVES to chew on everything, and its very stubborn at times. Besides that though i love her to death shes so laid back and has a nice personality for a dog.


Old Timer
May 14, 2005
get yourself a bottle of "bitter apple" for the chewing.



Old Timer
Dec 22, 2006
You are doing the right thing not breeding. The number of unwanted animals in shelters is astounding. If you don't believe me, just go volunteer at your local humane society. It changed my opinion on breeding forever.

The first year we had "Jake", our chocolate lab, he wanted to chew on everything. Labs require a high level of excercise. Get in the habit of taking your dog for a walk everyday. This simple 30-45 minute walk cut down dramatically on the problems I was having with Jake. Without exercise comes boredom. With boredom comes trouble. Good luck. You have a new best fried for life.


Old Timer
Feb 4, 2008
Give a variety of things to chew that are interesting. You can buy beef marrow bones (try to get them a couple of inches long) at most supermarkets and after the dog gets all the marrow out you can fill them with peanut butter or other interesting things. Cow hooves are great but tend to smell a bit when wet. An empty plastic soda bottle in a sock with a knot in it works really well and makes a nice crackly sound. We've also strung together various combinations of these things with heavy rope for something different.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
labs were bred to work. They enjoy getting out and doing things. many enjoy swimming, so perhaps walks near a lake or a beach in warmer weather can be enjoyable for you both. I know labs who will chase a toy thrown into a lake or a pool and play for hours if you let them.


Old Timer
May 7, 2006
Chewing is normal at this time just be understanding that her mouth hurts, but be firm on what she can and CANNOT chew on. They eventually grow out of it. Our lab liked potatos(sp) this was of course not allowed but she would get sneaky about it.

Oh yeah empty plastic water/pop bottles are a hit LOL


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2006
The plastic water bottle thing is a hit, but not good for her, as she can swallow pieces of the plastic, and it gets quite sharp.

My lab was a bad chewer when she was younger, and hard to potty train on top of that.... but she's much better now. There's hope. She loves those knotted rope bones, anything rawhide, and those harder plastic-ey Nylabones (I'm not sure if that's how it's spelled, but you'll see it in the bone section at the pet store). Sticks are a huge hit when she's outside (even giant branches if she can get her mouth around them). Also, she was quite sneaky as a puppy (still is for that matter), we found teeth marks on furniture in hidden places way after she stopped teething.

At six weeks, you've got a lot of growing time left, it's like a baby teething, it'll take time, but if you give her enough alternatives, and get creative with baby-gates to keep her from areas you definitely don't want her chewing, you should make it through. Also, what's her name?

Labs are great, we got ours from a shelter, which is testament to the amount of unwanted lab puppies already in circulation. You're making the right decision by getting her fixed, I'm actually surprised that the breeder you got yours from doesn't require it. They're great family dogs, so much fun to have around, and funny and loyal. Enjoy her!


Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
get yourself a bottle of "bitter apple" for the chewing.
hahaha, that never worked for our labs. seemed to give them more incentive. {D

Give a variety of things to chew that are interesting. You can buy beef marrow bones (try to get them a couple of inches long) at most supermarkets and after the dog gets all the marrow out you can fill them with peanut butter or other interesting things. Cow hooves are great but tend to smell a bit when wet.
these are gonna be your best bet. give them either one of these to keep their mouths busy. it's what i always used and it worked wonders.