My First T!!!!!!


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2008
I just got my first T today!!! She's a RCF G. Rosea (labeled as a "Flame Chilean Rose" Grammostola Cala sp. "Flame" at the store). She's got a nice coppery red color on her! The pictures didn't pick up her coloring too well (the one of her on her substrate shows it on her legs - thats all over her), but her hairs remind me of a penny. She's only been here a few hours at this point, but here are some pictures! {D

Been looking at her at the store for a few months - finally got her! After almost a year of reading and research I finally have my first T!!!! {D


Apr 24, 2008
OH! She's Beautifu!

Whatcha gonna name her? My G. Rosea, a female, is named "Gracie Lou" after Miss Congeniality. Hehe


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2008
I'm naming her Flower, since she is a rosey from the desert, and Flower from Meerkat Manor (I like the animal shows, and thats one of my favorites, heh), was referred to as the desert's favorite rose, etc. If she ends up with a personality like Flower's I certainly won't argue! Flower had a wonderfully strong personality, and I've heard some stories of rosies being like that too! :D

I was so excited to see that they had RCF Rosies at our LPS. I was floored when I saw they were only asking about $14 (about the same as they charge for other Rosies of the same size), since every time I've seen listings for them they are much more expensive. Not sure if our LPS or their vendor realized they could probably get away with asking for a bit more for her....but I wasn't going to argue! She was just too great looking! {D

I'm still trying to let her settle in (though she has yet to try to hide - she's a magically moving rock (every time I look she's sitting in a different place), but she seems to be staying out in the open alot, which is fine by me! I'm going to pick up a couple crickets next week to see if she'll eat - they apparently were feeding her about 2 crix per day at the store (that seems like ALOT), and she was a good eater there, so I hope she does well here as well!

I'm so excited - I keep going in to look at her to see where she's sitting now! The other night I watched her a bit with a red led light and could see little threads, and her spinnerets moving now and then - that was so cool! Also watched her while she looked like she was grooming her feet - got to get a good look at her fangs while she did that - which I also just found facinating. She seems to be a bit more active when its dark, but since I've heard that they don't like light that makes some sense!