my first T!


Apr 12, 2008
I just got my first T a week and a half ago... she was given to me by my brother. He only had her about 2 months, and his wife's best friend refused to come over anymore so he had to get rid of her! (The spider, not the wife haha)

When I got her, she was in a 10 gallon aquarium with a shallow sand substrate. After seeing her fall from the lid onto the water dish you see in this picture... I knew I had to get her outta there quick! lso, The only way I had to secure the lid was by placing weight on it, such as books!

I changed out her water dish the same day she fell on it, and then yesterday I put together a new enclosure using a 5.5 gallon terrarium with snap in place sliding lid. I used eco-earth, got a new fake plant (slim pickings at Petco, most were two big), put the same new water dish in there, and reused her half-log. I used a brillo pad to scrape all the sand etc that was stuck to the log and that was in the crevices of the bark.
She hasn't eaten since I've had her, but I'm hoping she'll settle into her new home and get her appetite back!
I know this terrarium is bigger than she need's, but I think it's way better than what I took her out of. Maybe I should have made the eco-earth deeper, but the rest of the eco earth wasn't dry yet... and I really wanted to get her into her new clean home.

here are the pics:

Thanks for looking, and any comments and advice is always welcome!
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Old Timer
Apr 7, 2008
just a thought

Nice set-up! Whaddaya think about burying the base of the plant and stuff a little deeper to make it look a bit more natural (like the plants actually growing in there). Also, can't tell the actual depth of the water, but you should put a couple clean rocks/pebbles in there so crickets or even your spider don't have issues with drowning. Otherwise, looks cool! Welcome to T-keeping. :)


Apr 12, 2008
I definitely think burying the base is a good idea... I'll do that the next chance I get. So far, almost the whole time she's been in this enclosure (since last night) she's stood with 1 or 2 feet on the base of the plant... so when I see her explore somewhere else in the cage I'll bury it somewhat!
When I put the cactus in there, I wasn't sure what the best spot was... since she seems to like it there I think that spot will work :p
I just noticed she's already made a bit of web going from the cactus to the substrate in a couple of directions.

As far as the water dish... is the purpose of the pebbles to keep her from resting down in the water, or to help her get out if she needs to?
A couple corners of the dish do have a bit of a grade to them, like ramps out of the water... I was thinking that was enough. Do you still think I should add pebbles?
The water isn't too deep, but I suppose it's still deep enough it could cause an issue...


Old Timer
Apr 7, 2008
the cactus is fine the way you have it, it was just mostly for appearance's sake and that's subjective. if you like it (and especially if SHE likes it over there) keep it the way you have it. :)

the pebbles are mostly for giving any crickets that hop in there mistakenly a place to climb out on instead of drowning---a dead cricket in the water quickly adds bacteria and that affects your T eventually.

I've never heard of it actually happening to sb I know, but if for some reason (again you know what your dish looks like better than I do from the pics) your T can't get out bc the sides are too slippery, her book lungs could fill with water and she'd drowned, despite having her head above water. (It's not like humans would drown). Again, just sharing some thoughts. :)


Old Timer
Dec 23, 2007
i had that same waterdish before, i know what your talking about with the step on the side. i personally don't your T can drown in the much water... plus with a step on the side.. as for the cricket if you find its a problem with them falling in the water and not be able to get out the put some pebbles in;)

have fun with your T!



Apr 12, 2008
I might just put some in there at least for the crickets' sake... next time I get out and find some good pebbles...


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2006
add more substrate you t could fall and rupture its abdomen also a shallower water dish would help..

nice Tarantula....welcome to the hobby


Old Timer
Dec 12, 2005
I don't think the tank is too big but I would also recommend adding some more substrate. If that were my tank I'd have it about 1/3 full. She probably won't climb much once she's settled so it seems like a waste, but if she did climb and fell again it could hurt her, so it's up to you really.

Anyway, looks a lot nicer than what she was in before. In the first pics it looks like she's standing on tiptoe to get away from the sand. I'm sure she'll be a lot happier now. And the cactus thing made me laugh, it's cute :D


Old Timer
Mar 2, 2007
more substrate

General rule for terrestrials is that the distance from the substrate to the top of the cage should be no more than about 1.5 X the legspan of the spider. Otherwise looks fine. Pretty colors on her!


Apr 12, 2008
I think I'll add in some more eco-earth as soon as it dries out.

I have a question about the urticating hairs... I know they are on her rump... but what does it take for them to come off? If I was to touch her there, would they come off and cause me to itch? I'm just asking cause I haven't handled her yet, but I want to try..


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
water dish is fine, don't need a shallower, larger,smaller or rocks in it. Its designed for crix to get out if the get in and your T is plenty able to prevent its own drowning in that little dish.
More substrate would def. help. You wasted your money on the thermo/hygrometers they are not accurate and that T can take almost any temp and humidity you throw at it. ( provided you dont want to freeze yourself or bake yourself lol
Also, the rosea likes it bone dry substrate, so no misting.

Nice looking rosie ya got there.
She will almost never kick hair at you but they can come off if you handle her. Not bad ones tho, so I wouldn't worry much about it. Just dont rub them in your eyes


Apr 12, 2008
water dish is fine, don't need a shallower, larger,smaller or rocks in it. Its designed for crix to get out if the get in and your T is plenty able to prevent its own drowning in that little dish.
More substrate would def. help. You wasted your money on the thermo/hygrometers they are not accurate and that T can take almost any temp and humidity you throw at it. ( provided you dont want to freeze yourself or bake yourself lol
Also, the rosea likes it bone dry substrate, so no misting.

Nice looking rosie ya got there.
She will almost never kick hair at you but they can come off if you handle her. Not bad ones tho, so I wouldn't worry much about it. Just dont rub them in your eyes
Thanks for the advice, and thanks... I think she's pretty :)
I know now the thermometer is junk... I can have a 20 degree F swing(my guess) of temps in my apartment and it stays pegged at 75
I can go from hot wet and sweating humid in my apartment... to opening the window and having it cool down and dry out drastically... and the thermometer doesn't budge... hygro barely does.
I put the thermo in the fridge to see if it does ANYTHING, and it did actually go down to 40 somethin... but it just isn't accurate at room temperatures.
I'm gonna take them back to crappy petsmart, and tell them they should find a better brand before someone loses a rare/expensive pet after trusting their readings!


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2008
I agree that the water dish is fine. There is no way that T could get stuck or drown in there. Deeper substrate would be good. The thermometer and hygrometer are not necessary.


Apr 12, 2008
So... I ripped those worthless gauges out (gonna return them) and added more substrate.
Thanks for your guys' ideas for putting something under the substrate...Theres now a 1 liter bottle under the eco earth. I decided to fill it with water... after pressing down on the 'strate on the empty bottle caused it to give, and then bounce back tossing some 'strate up.
I hope I didn't upset her by moving her cactus! I couldnt put in the old location cause that spot wasn't level and was a little too high. Hopefully she'll grow fond of it's new location :p



Old Timer
Feb 11, 2008
Brilliant! That's a great set up, she should be very happy in there I think! Wlle done!

Think I will rehouse my rosie after she finally molts, and I like those kinda tanks, but that could be any time, Rosie's like to keep you waiting at molt time! Little gits! As a result mine is all grey and dusty looking, doesn't have her colours like yours, I put pics up when she does and we can compare prettiness! :}

Good luck, you'll have four or five T's by christmas guaranteed! :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Lookin good! I'd still bury the base of that cactus though so if she chooses to climb on it it doesn't fall over on top of her. Don't worry about upsetting her by changing things out at this stage in the game. Everything in there is still new and strange to her so better now than later. Even later, she'll just deal with it. There's no emotional attachment to the decor, it's either 'familiar' or 'different' and different=stress.


Old Timer
Jan 14, 2008
Lookin good! I'd still bury the base of that cactus though so if she chooses to climb on it it doesn't fall over on top of her. Don't worry about upsetting her by changing things out at this stage in the game. Everything in there is still new and strange to her so better now than later. Even later, she'll just deal with it. There's no emotional attachment to the decor, it's either 'familiar' or 'different' and different=stress.
Agreed. I would bury the base of that cactus for exactly that reason. They like to climb, and are heavier that they, you, or I think. That cactus may very well fall over and harm your T if you don't bury it. All in all though, that setup looks PERFECT! Your rosey will be very happy in there, and don't be surprised if she makes a little burrow to hang out in. Excellent work!


Apr 12, 2008
Yesterday she ate the first cricket she's had while I've owned her! I'm pretty happy about that. Had to pull out that ball-o-cricket-parts :p
Plus she did start to dig a bit in a corner of the tank.
I'm glad she decided to be a little less pet rockish :)