This is Ricochet, by far the most social and most entertaining spider of my three (one T, one Hogna lenta)
I wish I could get better pictures of it, but my macro is sucko. He/she comes out of her little web hut anytime I go near her enclosure and looks at me. If I put a cricket in with her, she'll jump on it, tag it, and then look up at me like, "you wanna piece of me?".
She won't kill it for hours, just climbs to the top, pounces on the poor bugger, hops back up to the top and waits.
The cricket just runs around like, "Oh my god, this bitch is crazy!"
Much better than TV any day.

I wish I could get better pictures of it, but my macro is sucko. He/she comes out of her little web hut anytime I go near her enclosure and looks at me. If I put a cricket in with her, she'll jump on it, tag it, and then look up at me like, "you wanna piece of me?".
She won't kill it for hours, just climbs to the top, pounces on the poor bugger, hops back up to the top and waits.
The cricket just runs around like, "Oh my god, this bitch is crazy!"
Much better than TV any day.