My essay.


Old Timer
Apr 5, 2005
I had to make an essay on something that bugged me. So I typed it on this.

Here it is: People have a general fear of snakes. I believe this is because snakes slither around the ground, and some are known to be venomous. This may also be cause by the fact that when the person was little, the parents were afraid of snakes and that caused the child to be scared. It is, however, a fear that can be overcome with time.

Snakes are not slimy like people think they are. The slimy thought probably originated when someone got a look at a snake and saw the sun reflecting off of the snakes scales, and thought "Eww, it's all slimy." In fact, they are very smooth. It's scales are as smooth as a wooden floor that's just been polished.

It may have been said in the bible that the snake in the Garden of Eden was Satan, but that does not mean that snakes are evil. In fact, alot of snakes that are bred in captivity love being around humans. The main reasons that humans get bit by snakes is that they were either being stupid and made it mad, or scared it really bad, and it defended itself.

They also don't go out of their way to harm us. I'll put it in perspective for you by asking a simple question: would you go out of your way to hurt Godzilla? That's probably what it's thinking when it sees you is "He's so big, he's going to kill me if I don't do something." So, seeing what he's up against, he strikes, hoping that you will leave him alone.

All things considered, some snakes are really friendly. Some even love to be held by us. They probably figure that if "Godzilla" just wants to hold them, then maybe he will defend them.

People also say that snakes are stupid, which bugs me. They are not stupid. They can discern prey from anything else. They see us as a threat because sometimes they don't want to be picked up, but teenagers on dares pick them up anyway, and wind up getting bit. I don't blame the snake for biting them, because the teenagers would probably kill them or maim them in some way. ;P :clap:


Old Timer
Apr 5, 2005
I need constructive criticism on this one guys and girls.


Old Timer
Apr 5, 2005
Does anybody like or dislike this? If so, please reply with some constructive criticism telling me whats wrong with it. I'm kinda thinking about becoming a writer one day and need to know how this is to help build my writing skills.


Old Timer
Jan 1, 2005

"Cobalt's are blue, Redknee's are red, Spider's are venomous, and so are women >.<My spiders: Avic Avic (Luke) and more to come."

Input: You need more T's! :D