we do joke that Dizzy is part goat (she loves to climb and force her way on to laps). perhaps she's just a goat-dog and not a beaver-goat-dog.My goat does that... to picknic tables, wood sheds, shovel handles... I think they, your dog and my goat, must be related...
yeah, jinxy cat gets what dizzy can't reach... and then he GIVES IT TO HER. we're on xbox 360 headset #5. :wall: jinx also unplugs the tv and dvd player, and chews on the air purifier's cord. he also breaks into bags and chews into anything that may contain food.Your dog and my parrot.
I've replaced several electric cords due to that d**n bird before I learned to keep them out of his way. Surprised he hasn't zapped himself.
He's peeled some wallpaper, chewed some trim, and put a hole in the screen.
Yeah, I know I should keep a closer eye on him, but he only needs a few minutes to get the job done.
I think Goats and Cats have the same spirit. They are interchangeable between bodies. Goats have a cat attitude with a dogs loyalty.. its disturbing.