My bull frog is dead and Im kicking my butt


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
I had my bull frog set up in a 150 gal tank on the porch. I raised him from an egg. The night before last a mosquito truck when by and I thought about my spiders and thought they will be ok. I got side tracked and it left my mind. I went out this morning and my bull frog was dead, I totally forgot about him. He was healthy and a typical tiger of an eater, as bull frogs are. I moved to this location not long ago and never gave it a thought because these trucks did not come by my old house.
I know there has been a debate here before about mosquito sprayers but him being an amphibian that was probably it..crap.

Flame me I deserve it. It sucks when you raise an animal and you come out everyday and talk to it when you do the husbandry, well atleast I do.

I wasn't gonna put this out there but we all share our troubles sometime so theres mine today.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2008
Hey man that crap happens. Don't beat yerself up over it. Crappy that you raised it from a tadpole and it went out like that. But like you said you moved and didn't pay no mind to mosquito trucks because they didn't spray in your previous location. Bullfrogs are such voracious feeders. Interesting amphibian
Sorry for the loss man.


Old Timer
Jul 3, 2004
flame you as in yell at you? if thats what you want... ok... consider yourself scolded.
but for real now, stuff happens. i never even seen a mosquito truck.
and i once had a huge tadpole, but it died as most of my fish (i had guppies that would kill more or less every fish in the tank).


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Dude, was it your Pyxie? I'm so sorry. They are great frogs.


Old Timer
Feb 20, 2007
Ah man, that sucks bad... :( Don't beat yourself up over though, as has been stated, stuff like this happens. Unfortunately, it's just a part of keeping pets.

Chalk it up as a lesson learned.

Sorry for the loss crpy :(


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
Yeah that's bad news. I gained a higher respect for Amer Bullfrogs when I saw one on a nature show sneak up on a sparrow bathing in shallow water next to the waters edge. The frog snuck up on it like a cat, it missed the first time. I'm curious, since you raised it from a tadpole, was it pretty calm? Sometimes I go catch big ones at night for fun and can't imagine one not freaking out when it's approached by a person.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
Yeah that's bad news. I gained a higher respect for Amer Bullfrogs when I saw one on a nature show sneak up on a sparrow bathing in shallow water next to the waters edge. The frog snuck up on it like a cat, it missed the first time. I'm curious, since you raised it from a tadpole, was it pretty calm? Sometimes I go catch big ones at night for fun and can't imagine one not freaking out when it's approached by a person.
Thanks all.

I did not interact with him very much other than feeding and water changes. So he probably would be more laid back but he was certainly more mellow than a "wild" frog. Maybe I should have held him more as a tadpole...jk
He would get surprised when if I just walked up and bounce in the water, if he did not see me milling around for awhile. But the coolest thing was he was very food oriented (much like my Pug). If he saw me first he would literally hit the glass wanting food or hop out of the water towards me. As soon as the first meal worm was dropped in he would leap to try and grab it in mid air. Then he would forget that I may be a predator and go into a feeding frenzy. There was certainly an association with me being a food provider.

Typical of bullfrogs, they will try to eat anything that moves.

His diet was varied as I believe captive animals should have if possible.

Crickets, meal worms, wax worms and occasional pinkie mouse.