My beardies/color morphs


Nov 16, 2011
Hi, this is Monica (the other half of ArachnidsRVA). I originally posted this on and got no response so I figured I'd post my question here.

I recently purchased my first beardie, a juvenile male (about 10") from a trusted breeder who I have worked with many times before at various expos. I fell in love with him immediately and was so happy with my new little guy I went back to the same vendor and bought a slightly larger female juvenile (around 11.5") several weeks later. Aaron named the male Raz and I named the female Nina, and they are currently happily sharing a 20 gallon aquarium lined with Repticarpet to prevent impaction. I plan to get them separate enclosures in the next week or so that they have more room to climb and a better spectrum of heat and UVB.

I'm not very well versed on bearded dragon color morphs so I was wondering if anyone could speculate on what my two dragons might be. The only certainty I have is that my male, Raz, is a leatherback. Here are some photos:


Raz is the slightly smaller one to the left in the top photo and to the right in the bottom. Nina is the slightly larger bright orange one.​

Any ideas? I'm good with anything big and hairy and 8 legged (or 10, if you want to be specific) but bearded dragons are completely new to me so I really have no clue what either of them would be considered.


Jun 24, 2011
I'm 99% positive that Nina is a sandfire. At first I thought she was a sunburst, but those are more yellow-golden than orange. Then I thought about a blood, but those are completely reddish-orange, and yours has a orange-beige color. Reddish-orange sandfires are quite rare (since they mostly come in a orangeish-yellow color), so congrats!!