So I just put some lettuce, apples, and carrots in my dragons bowl. I pick him up and put pretty close to the bowl, because i wanted him to see it. Well this time i just got done setting him down and he just flips out. He started running faster then i’ve even seen him run and is jumping up and down the tank. When he stops i try to calm him down by rubbing his back but he opens his mouth up real wide. So my reaction was to pull my hand out of the tank and leave him, but i put my finger up against the glass and he attempts to bite me. I left him alone for a good 3 minutes tops and start rubbing his back and he is just fine. And when he eats the mealworms, he craps it out as the mealworm, undigested as it looks. Is it because of the lack of my UVB light? Im getting a new one as soon as i can. Im really worried.