No, because if you try to feed him again too soon he may throw up the meal already inside of him. and when a snake throws up a meal it takes A LOT of energy out of him so after that he may not eat for a long time.Alrite I've fed my ball python twice this week already. Once was yesterday. And it looks as tho he is hungry again...... Should I feed him not even a day after???
How exactly does a snake look hungry, esspecially one that has just eaten? Snakes have a rather slow motabolizem and are lethargic for atleast a day after eating. They sit in a heated spot for this helps them digest there meal, untill after this happens there is no reason to keep feeding. Also what size rodent are you useing? A good sized one for a BP is a one the same thickness as the thickest part of your snake. A good feeding scheduale is once a week, for snakes a year and older you could switch to every two weeks with no ill effects. ~ RexAlrite I've fed my ball python twice this week already. Once was yesterday. And it looks as tho he is hungry again...... Should I feed him not even a day after???
This is natural, he may be hunting or he may be just moving to move. BPs are nocternal and are most acive at night. Even if he is hunting it doesn't matter as long as you feed him once a week. Every time hes looking for food doesn't mean that you have to give it to him, that is not natural for that is not how nature works. Snakes must expend energy and wait for a meal when they can get one, it is not one giant smorgageborg. My 30" female BP eats one small adult rat once a week, (sometimes I skip a feeding) and she is doing great and growing fast. Hope this helps ~ Rexbut typically when he is hungry he becomes very active, in which he was doing.