Yea do a search for an easy answer like this next time. Anyways ill be gracious.
Hottest venom Heteroscodra maculata.
Most defensive for me is my Chilobrachys sp. IDK (as in I don't knoe what sp. Yet) as far as biting or raising into threat posture. And for hair flicking, my LP. NASTY little man he is..
Always read that Hmacs had the hottest venom. I'll take your word for it thoughS. calceatum has more potent venom.....and OBT and the good ole P. muticus are pretty defensive...
Always read that Hmacs had the hottest venom. I'll take your word for it though
Are there any publications on tarantula venom strength or is this anecdotal? Also, how is the strength being determined (LD50% in mice/rats/rabbits)? I can imagine there being a lot of variation depending on how the study is performed, and which animal it is being tested on. Plus, I would guess that venom toxicity would be strongest against primary prey type or primary predator, so there could be variation depending on what is being bitten. Another thing to consider, is the size of spider and amount of venom injected. I would probably prefer an S. calceatum sling to bite me than a 10" P. ornata.
I am going to post this thread relevant to the S. Calceatum issue. I thought the post was written well.
I just read more of the thread on the Calceatum, is it true they can glide?
ummmm...."gliding". What does this mean?
As for defensive/aggressive. My lil' L. klugi that came in at 0.25 and has molted to 0.5 used to hide ALL the time, now I open the lid and it runs out to ck it out -- something tells me it is going to grow in to be quite the little booger. For some reason I thought it would be a slower spc.