More pictures are here finally!

Bird Man

Old Timer
Feb 24, 2009
This is my second female rosea, a bit on the skinny side, I haven't had her long, but working on fattening her up, She was in a deli cup with enough water to kill the crickets she was supposed to eat, and she was flicking it off her legs.

My MM rosea guarding his sperm web

All guards have to leave their post sometimes...

Not sure if this was a sperm web or not, but this was the first webbing he ever laid down.

He tends to now spend his time on that webbing, and his for sure sperm web.

MF rosea PREmolt

MF rosea POSTmolt, this was the only good one.

Only 2 pics of her molting, she was 99% finished at this point, just getting the rest of her booty out.


She's a lady

The molt was 5.5"

This one not so good, I breathed and the molt moved as pic was taken

Hope you enjoyed, more pics will be posted in the not so spineless wonders sections.