More cat noise. And a taste of terror

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I petted the cat as I left the house, opened the gate, backed the jeep onto the street, closed the gate and drove 5 1/2 kilometers. The boss was waiting to get picked up so I didn't shut the engine off. We drove back up the road 1/2 k, stopped at a store, parked and shut off the engine. Buying munchies we walked back to the jeep. The cat emerged from under it. It's chest covered in greasy road gunge. It had made the entire trip clinging on top of the rear axle. Only when the engine was shut off did it get up the nerve to come down and get out.

Is this some kind of a record?


Sep 11, 2011
Pretty lucky that it actually made it....we have had barn cats climb up into the engine bay to sleep for the night in our old ford farm truck....none of them were so lucky when the truck was started in the morning.

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Mar 7, 2010
Hilarious! I'm not much of a cat guy so this really amused me shark. But I am glad your cat managed. :D


Sep 26, 2011
Oh that poor cat! When we lived in Washington, it was our job as kids to go bang on the car to make sure there weren't any cats in it. My dad had some pretty nasty horror stories about cats and engines... About twice though a week though a cat would dash out and away. Glad the little fuzz it alright!

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
What I can't figure out is why is didn't bail out when I was shutting the gate. Why didn't it get out when I stopped? Only when the engine was shut down and things got quiet did it come down. And perched on the rear axle is not a comfortable place to hang onto. The only explanation I can think of is when it goes for a ride in the jeep with us, or in the basket on the bicycles, we strictly train it to get out only when we permit. But, this thing is dumb as a stump. It still falls off things and lands on it's back and slams into the occasional wall when in gallop mode.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
I've had to remove the ground-up remains of a large tom cat from the engine of a car before, and it's not something I want to repeat. Most cats that choose to sleep there don't survive, or at least, wind up as amputees. Recently, though, my father had one of my sister's cats hitch a ride underneath the frame of his truck and climb out when he stopped to buy gasoline about three miles from our house, and the trip is 40 miles, give or take. He had to put the cat inside the cab and drive her all the way back to my sister's place. Fortunately, this cat doesn't mind riding and didn't freak out inside the cab of the truck, as many cats would have done.


The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I just glanced out the window to see the cat has finally taken to munching on a roadkill snake it dragged home 4 days ago. So, generally speaking, viewed dispassionately and objectively, cats are depraved mentally defective tire biters. :o_O: