Molts, sighting, new feeders


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2008
Its been a great week here!

One of my A. Versicolor slings (Clotho) molted - it is now almost 1"!!! If it ever comes out of its super dense webbing I'll get a picture. The other 2 are probably not far behind - their last molt they all molted within a week of each other, so I should get pictures of one of them freshly molted soon (probably Lachesis, since that is the one that has webbed the least...I can actually see it without having to essentially candle the enclosure!) :D

My G. Aureostriata sling also molted this week. Orla is now almost about 1" too. About 10 months old now from what the breeder tells me, and this is its first molt in my care. Still that peachy sling color, but I'm starting to see hints of markings on her legs - mostly lighter and darker areas. I'll hopefully get some pictures of that one up soon - the camera needs charging. But that probably explains why she was scared of the fruit flies! {D Couldn't tell she was in premolt - she actually seemed to get LIGHTER before molting....silly confusing slings. :rolleyes:

I FINALLY got a brief glimpse of most of my L. parahybana sling!!! It has a pretty extensive burrow (basically spanning the entire enclosure) and an opening just big enough for it to get through. It hadn't eaten in over a month and I never saw it out despite middle of the night visits with a red light. But this week the small prekilled cricket I put in vanished from the entrance for the first time in a long time (at least, I think it was a bit long for a sling of a fast growing and usually reputed to be ravenous eaters species), and just last night when I peaked in Nyx was sitting most of the way out of it's burrow enterance! I didn't get a full view, but I'd estimate it might be almost 1.5" now! I got it as a 1/3" or so sling a few months ago, and last time it was out before it burrowed it was just about 1", so obviously there has been a molt underground! I was just excited to finally see it again!!!

This week I finally decided to make the jump into keeping roaches for feeders. I got 50 mixed b. dubia in and set up a rubbermaid tote for them. The adults are bigger than I had expected, but I'm sure Flower (my rosie) will probably enjoy them. The nymphs did seem to be able to climb better than I thought though, as they were able to climb up the sides somewhat (with difficulty, but they were managing). I got some very slick packing tape and lined the top of the container with it - they didn't seem to be able to get a grip on that, so I think that is solved. Its kinda cool to have my own feeders, though I feel like its a further sign of addiction that I am at the point where raising my own seems more practical than buying them at the local store! {D Guess this just means i can get some more Ts.... :D

Anyways, I found this week to be filled with all sorts of fun, so I thought I'd share.


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2008
Addding to that list - one of my tiny 1/8" LS C. elegans slings molted too!!! {D It hasn't come out of its burrow completely, but it seems to be significantly bigger, maybe even close to 1/4"! :eek: {D

We dug up a camera we got for way cheap at a garage sale, and I tried it for the first time today and discovered it takes some nice macro shots (I can't find a manual focus on it, but it does pretty well on its own.)

So here are some pictures!

"Orla", G. Aureostriata. For some reason the white lamp I have kept coming out red in the shots, and the flash was WAY bright. But with some filters it made a nice B&W shot:

'Lachesis", A. Versicolor, decided to say hi for 'her' 'sister' who is hiding behind too much web to photograph.

The molt from "Clotho", A. Versicolor sling, sitting on a penny for size. She may be almost 1" now.

"Aphrodite", one of my C. Elegans slings, in her burrow with a penny at the same level for scale.

Molt from C. Elegans sling, "Aphrodite", on a penny to show the TINY size!!!

A nice closeup shot of "Aphrodite's" back end sticking out of her burrow. I like my 'new' camera's macro lensing ability.

"Faran", my P. Rufilata, decided to sit nice for some pictures too.

Another picture of my P. Rufilata sling, "Faran". It is almost 1 3/4" LS!! :eek: :D Since it was sold to me as a 1" sling and it hasn't molted I think I may have gotten a good deal - nearly twice the size! {D


Old Timer
Sep 26, 2008

I FINALLY got a brief glimpse of most of my L. parahybana sling!!! It has a pretty extensive burrow (basically spanning the entire enclosure) and an opening just big enough for it to get through. It hadn't eaten in over a month and I never saw it out despite middle of the night visits with a red light. But this week the small prekilled cricket I put in vanished from the entrance for the first time in a long time (at least, I think it was a bit long for a sling of a fast growing and usually reputed to be ravenous eaters species), and just last night when I peaked in Nyx was sitting most of the way out of it's burrow enterance! I didn't get a full view, but I'd estimate it might be almost 1.5" now! I got it as a 1/3" or so sling a few months ago, and last time it was out before it burrowed it was just about 1", so obviously there has been a molt underground! I was just excited to finally see it again!!!
Anyways, I found this week to be filled with all sorts of fun, so I thought I'd share.
glad to hear all the successful molts going on, its like a molt party week. My LP is the same way and i never see her (i hope its a her), the only way i know she is in there is that there is new webbing every morning. she also is not the cricket destroyer that people make LPs out to be, occasionally she eats a dead cricket outside her burrow, but i never know which entrance to use, she has like 5. she was about 1/4" until i saw a molt neatly pushed out of the burrow, i cant wait to see how big she got!!


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2008
i never know which entrance to use, she has like 5. she was about 1/4" until i saw a molt neatly pushed out of the burrow, i cant wait to see how big she got!!

Heh, sounds just like my LP. 'She' has 2 or 3 entrances to her burrow so far, and I can only tell she's alive by occasionally seeing a foot that disappears when I look in a hole. I know she molted in her burrow, she finally pushed it out of her burrow, but until she shows up again I won't know how big she is. I was excited when one of her food offering finally vanished!

I figure its good practice for having a 'pet hole' at some point (I want to get an h. lividum eventually), but it does make it hard because I can't figure out when she molts, when its safe to feed, etc, especially since she has molted 3 times (at least) in about 4.5 months....lots of premolt and postmolt in there. But it makes it all the more exciting when I do get to see her! :D


Old Timer
Sep 26, 2008
its funny, cause i got a G. auriostriata at the same time as the LP and thought the LP would eat me out of pinheads and the GA a slower grower/eater but no the GA will take on crickets her own size ~3/4". Its rediculous{D but i fould early on that my LP would run from crickets unless they were killed. Maybe when she is a little bigger and likes to be out more she will become the lil destroyer of crickets i'd love her to be. maybe you can be extra diligent and get some pics of how big yours got


Old Timer
Jan 21, 2008
Picture of the parahybana - finally!

Nightly visits paid off! I finally got to see my Parahybana sling sitting out!

She sat nicely while I looked at her in the redlight, and given her size compared to the enclosure I'd say she's probably about 1 1/3" to 1 1/2" LS now - she was just barely 1" last time I got a good look at her.

When I tried to get a picture of her sitting out she bolted down her burrow, but then decided to peek back out and sit there for a couple pictures. I just shot pictures blindly and used the flash from my camera for illumination, but one of the pictures came out pretty nicely, so here it is! (I'm very much liking this camera)

I'm so excited to have gotten to see her again! WHEE!!! {D

Gonna need to rehouse her in a molt of 2 at the rate she's growing! :D


Old Timer
Sep 26, 2008
aw she is so cute, i had to resort to blurry burrow pics for mine, this is her after her molt, not much to see but i am glad she expanded her burrow to the edge of the enclosure so i can so a little of her cuteness
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