Molts of the week


Oct 11, 2007
Went to feed the T's tonight and a bunch of them picked this week to molt! :D All these molts are since Saturday:

A. versicolor: She's still blue, but about an inch and a half now! So pretty!
A. bicegoi: My god these slings are gorgeous after a molt. She's now about an inch. I'll try to get some pics up tomorrow!
P. cambridgei: The growth rate on these things is phenomenal, seems like they're molting every time I turn around. Up to 3/4 inch or so now. The other one is pretty fat, too.
P. regalis: I'm worried about this one. I caught it 'in the act' so hopefully I didn't disturb it by picking up its container and then setting it back down (soooo gently) once I noticed what it was up to. This guy had a bad molt before and messed up his fangs, I had to decapitate crickets for him for a while and slit them open so he could get to the juice. His last molt fixed the problem, so hopefully this one will go smoothly as well. He should come out around 2 1/4 inches.
G. rosea: Yay, finally! This little one's butt has been black for weeks, it seems like! Still tiny, probably half an inch now?
T. gigas: Another one that looks awesome after a molt! It's hard to get pics of it since it's either crouched in hiding or zipping around like a crazy thing, but I'll do my best. About an inch and a quarter now.

Last but not least, not really belonging in this category, my P. transvaalicus scorp baby *finally* molted after about a month of non-eating. She looks great now, still slightly translucent. Her tail is the biggest change, it looks huge compared to before! She's probably about an inch and a half counting tail now.

I'll try and get pics of all of these tomorrow, sorry for the graphics-free nature of this post. Consider it a snack to whet your appetite for pictures! :p
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Oct 11, 2007
All right, here are the pictures! ^__^

A. versicolor:

A. bicegoi (turns out I was mistaken, this one hasn't molted! Just looked exceptionally pretty last night, I guess. Here's a pic anyway.)

P. cambridgei:

P. regalis (the molt went perfectly, whew!):

G. rosea (so small!):

T. gigas:

Thanks for looking!


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
The rosea is like my 2 hentzis lol they are tiny, but cute. My versi is about 2inches and getting a little green on the carapace. Sooo pretty.


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
You're so lucky to have T's that don't barricade themselves behind burrows to molt. My first T, a B. Smithi, had it's first molt - Sunday - I did not see it happen, I only know because, like Santa Claus in the dead of night, my T left its molt outside of its burrow for me to find Monday morning - I have no idea how much bigger he is or what he looks like - I wonder if I'll ever know - :?

My G Aureostriatum has gone underground, literally, for 3 1/2 weeks - supposedly to molt - again, if that's what it's doing, it won't give me the satisfaction of witnessing the blessed event - :confused:

my G Pulchra and B Vagans have decided they'd prefer to stay in their burrows, so I probably won't see any molts from them either (although the burrows are up against the enclosure surface, so there is some visibility ...- :wall:

My only hope is my little Versicolor sling, who remains atop the tallest leaf in his set-up, fully visible all the time.

Questions for you Wuffielover - since I'm a noobie - does the Versicolor molt like the others, i.e. turn upside down, etc, only up in its arbor? How often can I expect it to molt (like I said, mine is just a 1/2 inch sling at this point) ij:?
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Oct 11, 2007
Thanks for the replies!

Yeah, the burrowing Ts always seem to think molting is something to do veeeery secretively...

Questions for you Wuffielover - since I'm a noobie - does the Versicolor molt like the others, i.e. turn upside down, etc, only up in its arbor? How often can I expect it to molt (like I said, mine is just a 1/2 inch sling at this point) ij:?
Yes, the Versicolor will flip upside down to molt just like the terrestrial Ts. Most arboreals will build themselves a little 'hammock' to molt in. Mine molts probably every 2-3 months, but since yours is smaller it will probably molt more frequently at first. It also varies a lot depending on how much/how often you feed, though.


Oct 11, 2007
I'm going to update this weekly, since I almost always get at least one molt per week. Here are the molts since 7-1:

B. albopilosum:

P. irminia:

And finally, one of my C. fasciatum became an ultimate male (I was hoping it was a girl, dangit!). I put a dime in the pic so you can see how teeny he is, even as an adult!

If any of you have some C. fasciatum ladies looking for love, drop me a line!

Thanks for looking!