Molted last night. Stunning T, Sneaking suspicion.


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2006
So I bought a 4" red phase G. Rosea in November 2008.

I could see more red on it then normal spiders but... I thought sure it was in premolt. Fast forward until now. The spider finally molted last night. I woke up to a beautiful red leg- metallic sheen carapace spider... took some pics and went to work - came home pulled the molt - tried rewetting ... took pics

then the spider switched positions. Now... 3 years ago feb 2006 I posted here for the first time and bought a .75" G. Rosea (normal) sling... that spider is now about 2.5". Most of the spiders I have are 3" or less. I am only now getting into the larger spiders. Most molted to the point of 4-4.5". So I've had them sence they were smaller. Point being - I'm not as familier with adult spiders.

So... I need to know... am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?

There are 10 pictures at this link (note may be slow to load)- It goes from pre molt to what the spider looks like now.

- Sharon



Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
yea you got yourself there a nice looking mature male!


Old Timer
Dec 30, 2008
Good looking MM you got there. Now you need to find him a lot of dates.


Old Timer
May 24, 2009
His color is amazing! You should send him on a breeding loan so he can pass on those beautiful genes.


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2006
sigh. thanks for the replys... I admit I'd perfer a female.

Are all red phases like this? Only get the major color as adults?

and before I get a mass of PMs (got one this morning)

I'm in Colorado... and I DO. NOT. WANT. TO. SHIP. For one I have no clue about packaging and even if I did - I'd feel obigated to tell the post office (only place I'd use to ship) Exactly what is in the box.

So I figure I'd do the following.

A. Find a local girl (CO, WY, NM etc) I'd drive up to 4 hours one way to meet someone.

B) buy a female - from a reputable breeder that has lots of reviews on this site.

C) sell/trade him back to the company I bought him from back in nov. They come out to all the reptilie shows. This may be in Nov.

D) sell/trade him to someone localy in colorado who feels more comfortable about shipping... - again perfer it to be someone I reconize on here instead of an out of the blue person.

And I want to ENJOY him for a bit first. I know MM live a varible amount of time but I'd hope a rose hair would live awhile longer then some spieces.
(like avacs. Someone once told me they had a 2.5" avaic sp. grow up, hook out and die in 6 months.... not sure I completely belive that though)

Anyway ... thanks for the replies.

- Sharon


Old Timer
May 24, 2009
Hey, I have hear of G. Rosea MMs molting PAST their ultimate molt. While this certainly doesn't seem common, it does happen. So by all means, enjoy his company :) Hopefully he'll be around for a nice long while.

And I can't blame you on the packing. Packing a T would worry me too. I think you have a lot of nice options, without having to ship him out.

Enjoy your beautiful little man :)


Old Timer
Jul 9, 2007
As everyone else said he is a beauty. Sorry about the maturing out male though. I sure wish you were closer to Indiana, but good luck none the less.


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2006
Thanks again. Well I found someone in the classifieds that has a (or more then one?) 5" red phase female.. So I contacted him (he's a dealer) and I signed up on a local board and put a feeler out there.

If I do end up getting a female instead of loaning him out I'm going to need some serious hand holding to breed.

thanks again for all the replys.
- Sharon


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
So I bought a 4" red phase G. Rosea in November 2008.

I could see more red on it then normal spiders but... I thought sure it was in premolt. Fast forward until now. The spider finally molted last night. I woke up to a beautiful red leg- metallic sheen carapace spider... took some pics and went to work - came home pulled the molt - tried rewetting ... took pics

then the spider switched positions. Now... 3 years ago feb 2006 I posted here for the first time and bought a .75" G. Rosea (normal) sling... that spider is now about 2.5". Most of the spiders I have are 3" or less. I am only now getting into the larger spiders. Most molted to the point of 4-4.5". So I've had them sence they were smaller. Point being - I'm not as familier with adult spiders.

So... I need to know... am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?

There are 10 pictures at this link (note may be slow to load)- It goes from pre molt to what the spider looks like now.

- Sharon

Wow, pic 9 just screamed male with the emboli being tucked in the right pedipalp. He's very lovely. Now go out there and get him a nice sheila! ;)

I'm sure if you watch RobC's or other's videos, you'll learn how to go about breeding these. If this fella has grown up with you, you'll do fine with his offspring.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
That is one beautiful big boy you have there. Hopefully you'll get him a girlfriend soon. Male rosies, I've heard, live for a while after maturing, so you'll be able to enjoy him a while longer. Anecdotally, my ex has had her MM rosie for at least a year and a half at maturity...maybe longer, but that would require me calling her up (Yeah, I could hear that conversation: "You called me for the first time in how long for WHAT???"). LOL

I'm happy to hear that you've decided to put your male to good use. There are plenty of resources for your options. Find what works best for you. Even though there are too many G. roseas in the hobby (as much as I love my plain-ol' brown Charlotte), RCFs are the Rosies that are really worth having.


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2006
zerg: acctualy I bought him in nov... had no clue about the sex... this was the first molt in my care. SIGH - he never showed his fangs either. would go back and wave the front legs and palps but kept the fangs so far tucked in I thought he had none and had to double check (this was a week after getting him.)

and yeah I agree with that pic 9. It was funny ... I pull the molt am talking molt pics and I walk by the cage and he has one leg up in the air like "HEY LOOK" and I went... wait... is that a hook?
I was like no no no....
then he turns around and I see the palp...

I don't know how well I can play vids on this computer. they just are not smooth. I've seen plenty of pictures... and read stories... just the reality is I'm used to slings... and if I have an issue and try to intervene with a paintbrush... and one of them jumps up on the paintbrush I more then likely am going to drop it (the paintbrush) and jump back... lol... I SO do not want to be bitten.

Xsyorra: I hope so. btw I've wondered... what does RCF stand for? Red... flaime?

- Sharon