Molt stuck on abdomen


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006

This has been asked billions of times here. If you searched the forum you wouldn’t have posted


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
Important questions: is it just stuck in the top or all the way around? Specifically are the lungs and anus clear? If this was last Thursday, it is already well into hardening. Check this post for what to do.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
If its been a few days, first thing id check: is anus clear. What about the spinnerets. If its some skin left on abdo, its not as bad as if its hardened over anus and lungs.

after that, its something else. A different approach.

has it stopped molting, aka, moved away from molt?

if its still molting, it needs to be left alone. But slings molt within 24 hours in general. Of course, its possible to take longer.

if its walking around and doing stuff, its not molting anymore and whatever is left there is stuck, hardening. It could pull through, but the longer it takes the harder it is to adress.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey there, I had similar situation. Sadly without happy ending.

I've had my B. Hamorii for 7 years, I bought her as an adult, the previous owner did not know exact age, he said probably around 7 years old at that time.

In these 7 years I think she molted 3 times, but the 4th one, one month ago, did not go well. I was always scared of the molting, but tried to calm myself with forums and reading posts that in does not happen very often. (Yeah right)

Her whole abdomen did not molt at all, old molt was all around her abdomen. She was already on her legs and moving around just a bit. So after 3 hours I took the smooth plastic tweezers and slowly pulled the old molt off.

I am not sure if all of the the book lungs have also been freed, I know at least one had the old molt still on, it was sticking out on one edge, I tried pulling it off gently but it wouldn't go, so I left her alone. I do not know about the anus. It looked like I got majority of the molt off and here spinnerets were free. Although I never did see spinnerets move after that.

She did not want to eat. She was gone around 15 to 20 days later. Not in a death curl. Poor thing was probably dying slowly.

So I'm wondering if I did anything wrong, I did feed her regularly but not very often, 1 cockroach around every 10 days. She always had water and I saw her drink few days before molting.
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