once in a while, like when they stink,or the egg crates get too moist. it really depends. I keep a good eye on them. If you feed them FRESH veggies and fruit every other day or so then you should have a good idea of when to change out their TUB. IN MY OPINION its not nessacery very often, but the lateralis do poo alot morehow often do u clean ur Turkestan Roaches????
doubtful, you would have to have a male and a female escape....together.....then have them mature........and mate......then have enough heat in your house to allow them to continue to mate and so on and so on......Unless of corse you end up leting a mature gravid female out and she hides under your fridge or something. Its possiable,,,,just not probable. I have been breeding this species for some time and never had a problem....and yes some have escaped....but never an infestation.n will these guys infest the house if escape?
They are native to many states now truthfully. There are escapes sometimes I have noticed though. If the side of your container is wet I found they could actually climb it too. I guess it just makes it sticky enough for them to get a grip.I have a few Blatta lateralis running around my garage but I'm almost certain they're natives here as well and not just mine escaping. I have not done a night walk yet to see if that's true around the neighborhood but I will confirm that soon. If it is my colony escaping then...uh oh; not really though, annoying but they will never live through the cold winter here.
OHHH YEAHH, ihave seen this soo much...I feed them and water and still I have to clean out headless bodies...recycle i guess. from my lateralis.Wouldn't the faster growing species eventually crowd out the slower one? Also, I've seen some very cricket-like cannibalism from B lateralis (yes they had food and H20 at the time). It's possible you'd end up with bunches of turkistans eating up your freshly molted hissers.
I'm no roach expert though, just my thoughts on the matter.