Mico Aquiriums


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2003
Micro Aquiriums

Hello Everyone,

I've noted a change in the LPS lately, a lot more small .5 or 5 gallon micro aquariums for sale, listed etc. I have always toyed around with making a small live rock/reef display, but never toyed to much into salt water. Knowing that such a small space is not suitable for 9/10 fish, and that balancing water is more difficult in smaller amounts, any comments or thoughts on these?
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Old Timer
Mar 21, 2012
http://www.nano-reef.com/forums is an excellent forum. Such a small tank takes a lot of tedious monitoring and balancing and effort. I'd try a 5 gal, but never a .5, personally. Any evaporation alters the salinity of the water, which stresses the inhabitants. Sounds like you already know that, so I'd just look around on the forum I linked you. They really know their stuff.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
I've seen much smaller tanks in the past decade than every before. A salt guy told me the chemistry has been worked out a lot better than like 30 yrs ago where large volume tanks were more the norm, and for some/many the "only" way to go. My friend had 1 gallon salt, he said it ran perfect. It was a setup like you. I don't believe he had any fish, just some inverts. It was really really beautiful. I don't recall the cost, would be cool to have one on every table that's for sure.


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2003
I've seen much smaller tanks in the past decade than every before. A salt guy told me the chemistry has been worked out a lot better than like 30 yrs ago where large volume tanks were more the norm, and for some/many the "only" way to go. My friend had 1 gallon salt, he said it ran perfect. It was a setup like you. I don't believe he had any fish, just some inverts. It was really really beautiful. I don't recall the cost, would be cool to have one on every table that's for sure.
that's pretty much what I have been hearing, Also seen quite a few small aquarium kits go up lately. I'm still researching (checking out the forum linked as well) it may have to be one of these take a chance and learn from it


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
that's pretty much what I have been hearing, Also seen quite a few small aquarium kits go up lately. I'm still researching (checking out the forum linked as well) it may have to be one of these take a chance and learn from it
No doubt having a small tank, one has to be more careful. But I've heard it's just not like it used to be, I heard this from salt owners, not sales peeps. My friend who has the small tank, had Ts and herps, so I trust him. But easy for one, is a pain in the rear for another. I sure would like to get a small one, like maybe 10 gallons or 5. No time to research it though. It's either salts, or a dart frog setup.


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
I read up on nano reef tanks a long time ago when I was trying to purchase a mantis shrimp (the stupid LPS said if he got one in, I'd have to come immediately for it because he downright refused to keep it in his shop.... well, I showed up fairly regularly asking for one and he never got it in, said he ordered it but I HIGHLY doubt he actually did. this was long before I knew of online ordering).

Nowadays they actually sell equipment and tanks specifically for nano reefs, whereas even 15 years ago you had to build your own light systems or filtration systems for a nano reef. There are lists out there (and on that forum I believe) on creatures that work well in various sized nano reef tanks, but mostly people stick with inverts and various polyps and corals.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
I read up on nano reef tanks a long time ago when I was trying to purchase a mantis shrimp (the stupid LPS said if he got one in, I'd have to come immediately for it because he downright refused to keep it in his shop.... well, I showed up fairly regularly asking for one and he never got it in, said he ordered it but I HIGHLY doubt he actually did. this was long before I knew of online ordering).

Nowadays they actually sell equipment and tanks specifically for nano reefs, whereas even 15 years ago you had to build your own light systems or filtration systems for a nano reef. There are lists out there (and on that forum I believe) on creatures that work well in various sized nano reef tanks, but mostly people stick with inverts and various polyps and corals.
I remember in the early 90s seeing a guy have an invert setup for a gorgeous reef tank, which back then was pretty small (20-25 gallons maybe), it wasn't a typical fish tank shape either. This was made for reef salts specifically, it had a fast flowing current inside to simulate the tidal action of the water over the corals etc. It was gorgeous. It's A LOT more modular than ever, and it only keeps getting easier and easier to own (minus the cost of the actual animals!)