Mice to rats


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
What size was everyones ball pythons once they started them on rats if they moved up from mice.

you can tell me in mice: like you can say four mice equals one rat.

You can tell me in sheddings: Like you can say 8 sheddings

or you can tell me in feet....

I fed my ball python a live rat, it went fine and he got it all the way down no problem but i was scared to move up to rats.

i didnt want him to eat it then spit back out but i guess the size rat I got today was fine because he killed then ate it.


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
just go by the general width rule, and you should be fine. the rat should be no more than 1.5x the girth of the snake at the widest point. if its bigger than that, you should stick with mice for a little longer.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
you can tell me in mice: like you can say four mice equals one rat.

You can tell me in sheddings: Like you can say 8 sheddings

or you can tell me in feet....
None of these are answerable - not the least because both mice and rats come in a WIDE array of sizes. ;) Just go by the width rule mentioned in the above post and you'll be fine. :)

(Also token "live rats are way more dangerous than live mice" line goes here.)


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
None of these are answerable - not the least because both mice and rats come in a WIDE array of sizes. ;) Just go by the width rule mentioned in the above post and you'll be fine. :)

(Also token "live rats are way more dangerous than live mice" line goes here.)
oh well the rat was disorientated (sp) meaning before I put him in there i kinda knock him upside his head so he could barely walk straight or stand up without fallin over...so once he got in there my snake grabbed him up and it was over....

I know every one worries about rat bites but i make sure the rats my snake eats are always handicapped in some way to prevent them from fighting back.

"why dont you just use frozen/thawed rats".....Because I like to see a snake be a snake and nothing more.
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Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
meaning before I put him in there i kinda knock him upside his head so he could barely walk straight or stand up without fallin over
I would love to take your snake and knock it upside its head til its all wriggling around uncontrollably and then throw it to my rats. Fresh meat now and then keeps the rats healthy and their fur bright n'shiny.

Sorry, but I find SOME of you snake people to be soulless morons. :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
I would love to take your snake and knock it upside its head til its all wriggling around uncontrollably and then throw it to my rats. Fresh meat now and then keeps the rats healthy and their fur bright n'shiny.

Sorry, but I find SOME of you snake people to be soulless morons. :rolleyes:
oh well too bad. deal with it or dont read my post its the same thing as knockin a rat againt the wall by holdin the tail and killing it completely.

I'm not here to make you happy or do things in a way YOU approve of, I do what works for me. you dont like it, thats too bad nor do I care about your feelings....As long as i am feeding live and my snake is safe thats all it comes down to my mind....Some people say why feed live if you have to do this and that to make sure your snake stay save......Because well thats just how I do things and i refuse to be like everyone else.

A lot of people on these boards try to force their way of animal upbringing on you and its not cool what so ever.

So when people make videos on how to kill rats for their snakes what do i say?...I say thanks for tellin me because if i ever choose do it a different way I WILL refer to the video.

To each his own....Dont tell me you are a rat person and you just love rats so much you'd never wanna see one hurt right? or maybe you are a peta president...Lmao...Either way...Get over it..


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
.Because well thats just how I do things and i refuse to be like everyone else.
Spoken like A true maverick! ;) :rolleyes:

Dont tell me you are a rat person and you just love rats so much you'd never wanna see one hurt right?
Ok.. I wont tell you that, but I will tell you this... Ive never needed to own a living thing to know how to love it and I never needed to love something to know how to be cruel to it.
Some people need to dig deeper than others do ..ya know...to know whats right and whats wrong.
Dig deeper.


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
Spoken like A true maverick! ;) :rolleyes:

Ok.. I wont tell you that, but I will tell you this... Ive never needed to own a living thing to know how to love it and I never needed to love something to know how to be cruel to it.
Some people need to dig deeper than others do ..ya know...to know whats right and whats wrong.
Dig deeper.
i dont know what you mean by this post lol....and " i never needed to love something to know how to be cruel to it"...wouldnt this apply if i was being cruel to the snake?....or if i brought the rat as a pet and was cruel to it? the rat is food not a pet. So either way if i am disorientating or killing it, in the end its going to die anyway because if i dont kill it my snake by NATURE/INSTICT will kill it.

And the rats that people buy frozen - thawed had to be killed some way also so, death is part of life. Some people breed the rats and gas them their self so me disorientating a rat is cruel even though people breed them to feed them off isnt cruel? Haha..You gotta be killin me...Oops lmao..;P ..I meant kiddin me Ha!

If you are going to get mad cause i feed live and knock em upside the head then i need you to make a fuss about people who use gases and other stuff to kill them. I'm letting my snake do the actually killing.

Some of yall seem to think I disorientate the rats for fun or for no reason at all. Which clearly isnt true. but i wont apologize for doing stuff my own way.


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
before this thread turns into an argument about the humane treatment of feeders, i'm going to offer a suggestion. Don't refer to the feeders as handicapped, or say you knocked them on the head. It sounds terrible. Just say you offer a stunned live rat to your snake. Sounds much less gruesome, but still gets the point across.

Do what you feel you must do for your snakes benefit. If its because you want to watch your "snake be a snake", you might be in it for the wrong reason.

and rats do make terrific pets, they also make great feeders. There's no reason to deny either one of those facts.


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
Official warning, if this degrades into a humane treatment of feeders thread/argument, it will get closed and points will be assigned out.


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
before this thread turns into an argument about the humane treatment of feeders, i'm going to offer a suggestion. Don't refer to the feeders as handicapped, or say you knocked them on the head. It sounds terrible. Just say you offer a stunned live rat to your snake. Sounds much less gruesome, but still gets the point across.

Do what you feel you must do for your snakes benefit. If its because you want to watch your "snake be a snake", you might be in it for the wrong reason.

and rats do make terrific pets, they also make great feeders. There's no reason to deny either one of those facts.
Who said anything about rats not making good pets? I never said anything of the sort.

ok thats my fault....stunned is what ill use from now on.