Yes, but on average they are more skittish and prone to kick hairs than a smithi. So, while you are unlikely to be bitten, you are very likely to wind up itchy and possessing a bald tarantula.
I have a boehmei that can be handled once it's out of it's enclosure... But the hardest thing is to get it out of it's enclosure ... The spider will kick hairs like crazy, and let's you know not really wanting to leave the enclosure....
for me, the boehmei have the most irritating hairs of all the brachypelma, or it might just be because they readily kick large amounts of hair if you so much look at way I would handle any of mine.
They're as hardy as any Brachypelma and reasonably fast growers compared to something like a B. smithi. I can't see why they wouldn't be a good beginner species, just don't be expecting a docile pet rock. Instead, expect a schizo yet docile beautiful hair kicker
Pinktoes are fine as well.
I can't think of any Brachypelma I wouldn't recommend as a beginner species and only a couple of Avicularia I wouldn't.
I have decided to wait on the Bohemei and get a A.Avic till I get a little more experience with the starter T's first and work myself up.Never know by Thurs I might get both lol
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