McLeay's Spectre set-up


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2007
I'm just about to acquire some McLeay's spectre stick insects. I've done all the research on how to take care of them. I was just wondering if some of you could post any pics of your enclosures. Should it be covered with fly mesh on all sides to allow ventilation? Also, how does one go about handling them? Do you pick them up, or just nudge them onto your hand?


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2007
I'm just about to acquire some McLeay's spectre stick insects. I've done all the research on how to take care of them. I was just wondering if some of you could post any pics of your enclosures. Should it be covered with fly mesh on all sides to allow ventilation? Also, how does one go about handling them? Do you pick them up, or just nudge them onto your hand?
i had mine in a 30 gallon tall tank.
no mesh except on top.
they need a small bit of humidity, being forest insects.
as far as handling them,its best not to.
but, if you have to, a gentle nudge will usually suffice.
beware of tearing their legs off, because they rarely want to let go with all their legs at once.


May 18, 2007
These are a great stick insect. I would post some pics but I don't have a camera. :mad:

I house mine in a small Green house with ventiltion in the roof with lots of other different sticks. I spray only about once a week, they don't seem to need any more than that.

As said best not to handle them if you can help it but if you do let them walk on and off you.
When adult they can have quite sharp spines on their legs.


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2007
I got them yesterday! We have a great business up in Nth Australia called the 'Australian Insect Farm' that breeds all kinds of insects-Extatosoma, Acrophylla and Ctenamorphedes stick insects, Macropanesthia rhinoceros and heaps of bettles.

I ordered three and a tank, but they didn't have any tanks so they sent me five {D At the moment I have them caged in a small fish tank which I have inverted. It will do for the moment, as they are only small.

Hopefully when they mature I'm going to have a lot of stick insect eggs on my hands. I'd be more than willing to sell some stick insects to anyone in Australia when they start hatching. I'll keep you posted.