Mantis recommendations


May 14, 2021
I’ve been eyeballing these guys for a while and they fascinate me. The only problem with these guys that I don’t like is there lifespan. I enjoy keeping tarantulas because I can appreciate them for years. That’s why I really don’t like keeping araneomorph spiders and only mygalomorph(since they usually live longer). I hear mantids usually live for only a year so I kind of just rather enjoy pictures instead of keeping them. Although I’m still really fascinated by them. If I was to keep them I would
Most likely want to breed them so I can enjoy them for a while. although then I don’t want to deal with so many little guys.
Is there a relatively long lived sp?
Is there a sp. that’s doesn’t have a lot babies?
Or is this hobby just not for me?


Oct 20, 2021
There are plenty of "easy" to care species, some even do very well in communal living. Then you basically just have to provide food in all sizes.

P. paradoxa should work communal (not expirienced by myself)
B. freyi, pretty new and i got some myself, there is zero agression.
I. diabolica mine do well in groups of 3 (only for expirienced keepers)

And probably some more.

Richard McJimsey

Old Timer
Aug 12, 2007
I really like how Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii look
I like these a lot, they are easy to care for and grow relatively quickly.
I would recommend these as well as ghost mantids (Phyllocrania paradoxa). The latter species especially so, they are incredibly commonly available, easy to keep, and females are among the longer living of mantids.

spiny 2-1.jpg

spiny 3.jpg


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
I’ve been eyeballing these guys for a while and they fascinate me. The only problem with these guys that I don’t like is there lifespan. I enjoy keeping tarantulas because I can appreciate them for years. That’s why I really don’t like keeping araneomorph spiders and only mygalomorph(since they usually live longer). I hear mantids usually live for only a year so I kind of just rather enjoy pictures instead of keeping them. Although I’m still really fascinated by them. If I was to keep them I would
Most likely want to breed them so I can enjoy them for a while. although then I don’t want to deal with so many little guys.
Is there a relatively long lived sp?
Is there a sp. that’s doesn’t have a lot babies?
Or is this hobby just not for me?
Ghost mantids