Mantids...right or wrong?


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2006
Well I aquired 2 mantids a few days ago, and they were doing very well in their enclosure. One I aquired off a school parking lot and the other my friend grabbed for me when we were heading in at half-time during our football game ( I know, luckily coach didn't see him). Anyways I kept both og them a few weeks then decided to let them go, because I knew they are good pest controls for gardens (did it for my mom :p ) . But I wasn't sure how to send and package these fragile creatures and I didn't know if they were actually worth to much money...Anyone have any input?

Louise E. Rothstein

Old Timer
Feb 10, 2005
Mantids; right or wrong?

Dear Deolok:

Mantids can become cannibals. Few of them share an enclosure "for (even)
"a few weeks..." You have been very lucky. Please do not crowd your luck;please separate your mantids while they are both alive.

"Is it worth while to ship them...?"
Please find out what they actually are.Species identification affects their money value.Anyone who even thinks about buying mantids will want to
know what kind they are:and that means learning their "Latin" names.

"Are my mantids good for gardens?"
Are the gardens good for them? Do the gardens offer protective cover,sunning spots,and a reliable supply of UNPOISONED INSECTS?

Habitat quality is all-important.
Please check it out before releasing anything anywhere.
Thank you.

Yours very truly,
Louise Esther Rothstein.