Mantid Nymph ID?


Dec 25, 2005
Hi everybody! I haven't been here in a while and I hope I'm posting in the right place....

I came across a praying mantis nymph in my backyard (Fort Worth, Texas) and it is just so absolutely tiny I can't give very many descriptive bits. I can't even get a picture! It would fit on a dime easily. It looks to be a light tan color, with a horizontal black stripe on it's back legs and black on the knees. It's abdomen is always curled upwards. It is smooth looking, no leafy protrusions or anything.

Also: Hooray!! It's eating the fruit fly larvae I put in there! I thought those little jerks were just burying themselves!

So far in my research this is the closest match I can find. Anybody know what species this is?

Thanks for your time!
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