Male Regal Jumper/Juvenile Nest?


Oct 21, 2021
* 'Twitch' (juvenile/sling male Regal jumper) built this little web thing at the top of his habitat... is it considered a molting nest or a hammock to chill in?
I've read that they don't make webs... I've had him all of 4 days, he built it the night of the second day and hasn't come out since. The day I got him he had a big fat mealworm, which he munched on for 5 hours until there was just a husk.

* If he's in pre-molt should I continue to offer him food and spray his habitat with water?
I read where molting is a stressful period for them & not to bother them. He's my first spider.


Nicole C G

Jun 23, 2021
There is no true definition of a “pre-molt nest” as pre-molt nests can be thick or thin. If he is in pre-molt, (if he doesn’t come out AT ALL for a few days to a few weeks) continue to spray his enclosure but don’t feed him. A rule I use for myself is never feed them unless they are wandering around.


Oct 21, 2021
There is no true definition of a “pre-molt nest” as pre-molt nests can be thick or thin. If he is in pre-molt, (if he doesn’t come out AT ALL for a few days to a few weeks) continue to spray his enclosure but don’t feed him. A rule I use for myself is never feed them unless they are wandering around.
Thank you
There is no true definition of a “pre-molt nest” as pre-molt nests can be thick or thin. If he is in pre-molt, (if he doesn’t come out AT ALL for a few days to a few weeks) continue to spray his enclosure but don’t feed him. A rule I use for myself is never feed them unless they are wandering around.