Here are some of my pets! In no particular order...
Cyriocosmus perezmilesi
Lasiodora Parahybana - got 2 of these in the Feb show cuz my big guy is, well, a guy : P
Nhandu Coloratovillosus
Poecilotheria Ornata
Poecilotheria Rufilata
Poecilotheria Rufilata
Poecilotheria Formosa
Poecilotheria Formosa
Psalmopoeus Irminia
Psalmopoeus Irminia
Poecilotheria Regalis
Poecilotheria Regalis - pretty sure it's a lady. What do you guys think?
Pterinochilus murinus
Nhandu Coloratovillosus - same as before, just one molt older
L. parahybana - my immature male
L. parahybana
L. parahybana
P. formosa - A couple of them really like to hide here. Yes, it's the inside of a lid. I lifted the lid last weekend and almost learned the hard way!!! Good thing my buddy spotted it on the underside and told me.
P. formosa - male
H. incei - I had 3 and kept them together. Then 3 became 2. The last two were separated soon afterwards. Btw, these little guys are FAST!
Heteroscodra Maculata - newly rehoused so it's cuddled away
Brachypelma Vagans - it's tough to get shots of this guy cuz he bolts for his hide if you move his container. I had to use a brush and a light touch to coax it out of his little hole
There he is. I was actually moving his molt and he was starting to stalk it
Some people were talking about pill bugs in the Canadian forum so here are a few of mine
This is my chihuahua Pebble
She's a sweetie
Crested Gecko, Banarnar - licking his eye
He's pretty neat
My African pygmy hedgehog, Pokeball aka Pokie
Pyxicephalus adsperus aka African bull frog aka Pixie Frog aka BULLDOZER or just Bullie or Dozer
Bufo marinus aka Cane Toad aka Boomer
Hope you guys enjoyed these!
Cyriocosmus perezmilesi

Lasiodora Parahybana - got 2 of these in the Feb show cuz my big guy is, well, a guy : P

Nhandu Coloratovillosus

Poecilotheria Ornata

Poecilotheria Rufilata

Poecilotheria Rufilata

Poecilotheria Formosa

Poecilotheria Formosa

Psalmopoeus Irminia

Psalmopoeus Irminia

Poecilotheria Regalis

Poecilotheria Regalis - pretty sure it's a lady. What do you guys think?

Pterinochilus murinus

Nhandu Coloratovillosus - same as before, just one molt older

L. parahybana - my immature male

L. parahybana

L. parahybana

P. formosa - A couple of them really like to hide here. Yes, it's the inside of a lid. I lifted the lid last weekend and almost learned the hard way!!! Good thing my buddy spotted it on the underside and told me.

P. formosa - male

H. incei - I had 3 and kept them together. Then 3 became 2. The last two were separated soon afterwards. Btw, these little guys are FAST!

Heteroscodra Maculata - newly rehoused so it's cuddled away

Brachypelma Vagans - it's tough to get shots of this guy cuz he bolts for his hide if you move his container. I had to use a brush and a light touch to coax it out of his little hole

There he is. I was actually moving his molt and he was starting to stalk it

Some people were talking about pill bugs in the Canadian forum so here are a few of mine

This is my chihuahua Pebble

She's a sweetie

Crested Gecko, Banarnar - licking his eye

He's pretty neat

My African pygmy hedgehog, Pokeball aka Pokie

Pyxicephalus adsperus aka African bull frog aka Pixie Frog aka BULLDOZER or just Bullie or Dozer

Bufo marinus aka Cane Toad aka Boomer

Hope you guys enjoyed these!