Maybe? Probably? A bit more information or a picture will help forum members to help you. How old/large is the hisser? Does it move when you touch it or blow a puff of air at it?
So he definitely hasn't moved in days so I'm sure he's dead now. Is getting stuck in a molt something that happens often? Are the precautions to avoid it?
Not sure if getting stuck in a molt is a common issue for hissing cockroaches. I keep them as feeders for my tarantulas so rarely pay attention to them other than the routine maintenance. It's rare for me to find any exuviae or dead cockroaches; I think the other members of the colonies eat the dead ones and the exuviae. I'm sure proper temperature/humidity/moisture are needed for them to thrive; but I find them very hardy and the colony has survived/thrived in my unheated garage for a few years with no attention paid to heating/cooling/misting.
As for age, I do not believe your hisser cockroach is an adult. It does appear to have the "horns" of a male; however, overall appearance/proportion is that of a juvenile so it's death was not likely due to old age.
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