I bought a starter colony of MHC from my local expo 3 males 12 females. I got them home and they have wings. If my understanding is correct MHC don’t. Any idea what they could be?
Aweful similar to dubia. The orange throws me off, and the male has it's head tilted down I guess?(can't see the hood), but it's closely related to dubia, or is.
I don't know much about MHC, never kept them. I looked up photos of them, (can't post those here per forum rules, copyright) and they look close to non-adult MHC but not 100%
They don't look like adult Eublaberus posticus Orange Head Roaches. Mine are new no adults yet. They are distinctive as an adult.
I'm not sure, I would do alot of searching on MHC first then try searching on other roaches.
We all ought to know what B. dubia look like by now, even if the male is looking down and the female is a little more orange than most of mine are, shouldn't we? Are we being trolled? Can you call the vendor?
They look just like some on my dubia roaches did. They sometimes have very bright coloration. I have seen lots of different color variations. They def aren’t hissers
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