Madagascar Hisser abortion?


Apr 25, 2012
My wife keeps cockroaches, started with Halloween hissers and picked up a starter colony of regular Madagascar hissers yesterday. A couple of the females have pushed out little Orange things. Our assumption is that these are aborted oothaca but the coloration threw us a bit as we thought the abortions were more of a cream/yellow. Can anyone confirm or elsewise let us know what is happening? 0DACCD85-A0E4-41BE-AAC2-BC6F1829E55F.jpeg


Arachnosupporter +
Jun 4, 2020
Not sure what the orange stuff is, probably just incompletely digested food as their feces typically appear as dry granules. You're correct, the ootheca is creamy yellow in color and typically much much larger than the orange goop in the picture. I often seen female Madagascar hissing roaches expel their ootheca while they're being eaten; I surmise it's their way of trying to save their next generation.


Apr 25, 2012
Not sure what the orange stuff is, probably just incompletely digested food as their feces typically appear as dry granules. You're correct, the ootheca is creamy yellow in color and typically much much larger than the orange goop in the picture. I often seen female Madagascar hissing roaches expel their ootheca while they're being eaten; I surmise it's their way of trying to save their next generation.
Do you know if digestion issues are common with them? We picked them
up at an exotics show and they look
healthy enough. We got them home and put them in their new enclosure and fed them(veggies, bananas, a nutrient powder) and they went crazy eating. So i guess that would make sense. Especially if they weren’t getting that sort of good before.

DomGom TheFather

Apr 26, 2020
It's possible that they were feeding on something like carrots or sweet potato prior to you acquiring them and the intake of new food just gave them the runs. Hard to say but i wouldn't be concerned unless it continues or they seem lethargic.


Apr 25, 2012
It's possible that they were feeding on something like carrots or sweet potato prior to you acquiring them and the intake of new food just gave them the runs. Hard to say but i wouldn't be concerned unless it continues or they seem lethargic.
Gotcha, thanks. They seem to be acting normally. Will keep an eye on them.


Arachnosupporter +
Jun 4, 2020
Not sure if they commonly have digestion issues; truth is, I don't pay too much attention to them as I use them as feeders and don't see them as pets. However, when I pick them up with tweezers, they often produce some sort of goop or liquid at the rear end with the color corresponding to their food source.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Not sure if they commonly have digestion issues; truth is, I don't pay too much attention to them as I use them as feeders and don't see them as pets. However, when I pick them up with tweezers, they often produce some sort of goop or liquid at the rear end with the color corresponding to their food source.
same here with crickets

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
It's possible that they were feeding on something like carrots or sweet potato prior to you acquiring them and the intake of new food just gave them the runs. Hard to say but i wouldn't be concerned unless it continues or they seem lethargic.
Three valid points that apply to most animals. A change of food, the quantity of the food, and lethargy or other markedly unusual behaviors. Be it a cockroach, a new to the family poodle. a young horse or a hive of bees relocated to a different orchard. From working with a vet the first thing done is place the animal in isolation and observe. Observation time roughly equivalent to the speed of their metabolism.
Very common complaint at a vet, the animal has the runs and poops all over the house / corral / containment. New diet and the animal pigs out. Just keep an eye on the animal while providing only the basics required for the species. Lethargy happens to be one of the major symptoms something ->may<- be wrong. Observe and wait.
Lethargy. We've all seen it. Dog or cat goes off to a corner, hunched up immobile. Upset tummy is the first guess.
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