I've read that these are very difficult to keep due to the problem of recreating their natural temperature and humidity fluctuations. Anybody any experience of keeping these Funnel Web spiders from Spain ?
Well as far as care...no real problems to note.
I have adults and juvies.
I have introduced a piece of the females web into the male enclosure and when he found it he loaded his palps. a day later I introduced the male to the female and copulation was witnessed. So I am waiting with baited breath.
The sexes are easy to tell apart as the females have a heavily scleraterised spot between the book lungs and the males have no sclerites.
The temp is like my other tarantulas around 70-80 .
They are fast as all heck and little demons to boot but no worse than an Usumbara. It is reported that the bite is somewhat heavy but where I don't know.
At this time I have two females bred and two more to go
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