LUCKY TO GET THEM... pics!!!


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2005
the three musketers!!!

the fat one (i hope it is a she and she is gravid)

heres a neighbor

and a wierd looking insect (has six legs)

i found the psuedoscorpion on a dead branch of an avocado tree being used as an orchid stand, that insect cohabitates with psuedoscorp and that pill bug, that insect makes a silky tunnel that looks like web where it lives, that pseudoscorp makes a round silky ball as its house, ive also found some woodlice, a larvae of a bug that has a hard crown-like exoskeleton on the butt, they all live under the barks, the height of the log is 6 feet, at the top is a bit dry except on the parts where orchid roots are, on the middle is bit humid, on the bottom is where a lot of larva lives.



Old Timer
Apr 6, 2006
Absolutely tiny! are you going to be using them as mite control??
The insect resemble a beetle larvae from the family Staphylinidae


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2005
that insect looks like an earwig to me, it has winglike part on its back and a fat foot but thin legs (on the 1st pair of legs)

and also the trio was not trio, the other one was hiding on the substrate, i didnt noticed it until i looked at it this morning. :D

they are really like scorpions, that fat ine did poop on me, similar on how scorps poo, they also wipe their butt on where they poo, same color also, but the difference is it is wetter than scorp poo. and they prefer to eat wood lice than mites, i just place them on my spinifer tank, so that they cant be eaten by the little scorpions such as centruroides and isometrus.

ive accidentally found them on the log, i was hunting for a dragonfly when i found one going near on the legs of the dragon fly, it move up to the leg and stached itself there, then i caught the dragonfly and carefully removed the false scorp, i was lucky to found them communual, about 7 not that fat ones living on the same spot of the bark, i tried to detach more barks but i know that my aunt and grandma will scold me for destroying the orchid stand, i onlymanage to get 4 and 1 fat one, there are also afew small ones and some molts (exuvium), i think that they also like ants, the barks where full, i mean really full of dead ants, its like that half of the litter was made of ants exoskeleton.