Lost my Hogna Carolinensis today and don't know why


Old Timer
Sep 9, 2010
Her abdomen started getting dark brown about three weeks ago and she hasn't wanted to eat. I assumed premolt and let her be, just watering her as normal. Offered prefilled food twice just in case but removed it each time uneaten. But then last week I was looking at her and suddenly noticed she had a leg gone on the one side. It didn't seem to be bothering her and I didn't see any identifiable cause for her to drop her leg. I was concerned but let her be because I didn't see anywhere she could have gotten snagged or injured somehow and I thought she was in premolt. Then a few days ago she went into her burrow and didn't come back. Ive been leaving her alone assuming she was molting but then today I sadly noticed her in death curl at the back of her enclosure under a leaf. I checked her and if I had to guess she's been gone for a little while. Her abdomen was a really weird distorted shape, bulged on one side and a weird diarrhea brown color on the bulge but normal everywhere else and another leg gone right next to the first she lost.

No photos, because 2021 has been kicking my butt including breaking my phone. I've gone back and forth on husbandry, searching the forums and reading and have no idea where I went wrong or if she was just old and the bulge is just from decomp or what. Does anyone have any idea where I could have messed up? I know it might not be my fault but I feel like I missed something and that it is somehow.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
weird distorted shape, bulged on one side and a weird diarrhea brown color
Ordinarily with most animals unusual shape and a discharge is a typical indicator of an infection - bacterial or fungal. The incipient could have been trauma, a wound of some sort, possible damage to the exoskeleton, but not necessarily.
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Old Timer
Sep 9, 2010
Ordinarily with most animals unusual shape and a discharge is a typical indicator of an infection - bacterial or fungal. The incipient could have been trauma, a wound of some sort, possible damage to the exoskeleton, but not necessarily.
She had lost two legs in a very short time so infection is definitely possible.There wasn't any external discharge, just the weird pocket of color which probably had some type of fluid in it.