Loss of Intrest


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Scott or and webmasters Im not sure if this belongs here but it is about tarantulas.

So, iv been collecting and keeping tarantulas for a while now,4-5 years. Sometimes I find myself being "Jaded" or perhaps "numb" with my tarantulas. I no longer have the same drive that I used to (that sounds bad ;) ) to keep tarantulas. I still want the ones I have just not in the same way I used to. When I find a new tarantula it is no longer exciting. Im sure others out here have had this problem, and im curious as to how you overcame it. Any help would be appriciated.



And thanks


Old Timer
Jun 22, 2003
I kinda got the same thing a couple years back, but then I found a dealer(thx Robert!!) in canada, so that popped me right back in there. Trust me, just order a couple more and you will feel the old rush;)


Old Timer
Mar 8, 2003
That happened with me a number of times. I guess I got bored with them, or got depressed about something and thought, what exactly is the point? Oh well, out of that again, hey that happened again today too, really sucks, lol.


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2002
Can't really help you other than words of encouragement. I hope you get through this because you were a hero in at least one little girl's eyes at the conference. Likewise, I was very impressed with the way you helped and worked with the kids. IMO, we need more people just like you in the hobby.

Hang in there... we're hoping to see you at the conference next year.



Old Timer
Jul 1, 2003
maybe you can start a colony of feeder roaches (if you dont already have). some roaches like Hissers are cool as pets and are good feeders too. maybe thatll spice up your hobby. or get a very rare T that has never been offered b4


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2002
Its cool Brandon.
Theres highs and lows in every thing we do in life.
I'm the same way right now. I have no interest in buying any T's at this point. I'll always like looking for them, cause as you know, living in the desert as a way of making us keep our eyes out for Snakes, T's, Scorps ect.
Lay low for a while and you'll get your energy back.
Like Botar said, your good for the hobby and its future. ;)



Old Timer
Dec 14, 2002
I got fed up with the "mass collecting" when I had 150 or so. I sold off some and kept the ones I was going to "specilize" (cant think of the proper word.. so it will due for now) and for me it was mainly asians and pokes.

Well, right now Im back from where I started - with brachys (and a few more). And all of a sudden I enjoy the spiders more when I have less of them at home.


Henry Kane

Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Hey Brandon, I've been there. Want to know what will help you appreciate your T's a bit more? Get rid of them. You'll never realize better what you had until they're gone. I know that from experience. I have almost replaced all of several sp. I got rid of and decided much too late that I couldn't be without. I still frequently kick myself for ever getting rid of some of them in the first place.

You had so much enthusiasm in Carlsbad. I can't imagine it all just died our in such a short time. Stick with it for a while and I bet the thrill will come back to you before too long. If not, let me have first crack at your collection, cool? See? Just thinking about someone ele having your T's puts it in a different light already huh? ;)

See ya



Old Timer
Jun 16, 2003
"That happened with me a number of times. I guess I got bored with them, or got depressed about something and thought, what exactly is the point? Oh well, out of that again, hey that happened again today too, really sucks, lol.

they told us in class that loss of interest is something that comes along with depression. so if you are feeling depressed lately it would be normal that things that normally fascinate you no longer seem interesting. i know what that is like, a couple years ago i lost almost all interest in soccer, music, and "spirituality" and pretty much everything else. i kept with those things though, partly b/c i didn't have anything else, but partly b/c i knew they were things i had loved at one point. anyways if you keep trying i think you'd eventually get through something like that (like i did). i hope that helps some :) at any rate my best advice would be, if you feel depressed don't make any decisions to stop collecting t's or to get rid of your collection b/c chances are when you get to feeling like your normal self you will regret that decision.


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2003
Originally posted by Atrax
Hey Brandon, I've been there. Want to know what will help you appreciate your T's a bit more? Get rid of them. You'll never realize better what you had until they're gone. I know that from experience. I have almost replaced all of several sp. I got rid of and decided much too late that I couldn't be without. I still frequently kick myself for ever getting rid of some of them in the first place.

You had so much enthusiasm in Carlsbad. I can't imagine it all just died our in such a short time. Stick with it for a while and I bet the thrill will come back to you before too long. If not, let me have first crack at your collection, cool? See? Just thinking about someone ele having your T's puts it in a different light already huh? ;)

See ya


I agree, i started collecting when i was 11, all the way up till 16 then i was like man whats the point...then i got rid of them, and it was like whatever for like the first month or 2, but then i looked at swifts site cuz i was curious what he was sellin cuz i alwayz thuoght he had a nice sellection and nice pics and stuff, then when i looked at his site and started remember how cool and intresting t's scorps pedes etc.. are i thought man i screwed up i cant believe i got ride of all my animals, since then i started collecting again and i dont think im going to get out of the hobby again


Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
I have days, or weeks sometimes when I don't feel as interested as I *think* I should....it's usually when I'm stressed out, or depressed etc.
More than once I've thought 'what's the point'. I know how you feel, and I would venture to guess most of us have felt that way if only for a few minutes!
Like Botar said, you were SO helpful and enthusiastic at the conference, Shelby asks about you all the time!
Hang in there, and don't hesitate to call if you want to talk about it. I always enjoy our conversations!

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
One of the things I've always enjoyed about Ts is they fit the human tendency to drop in and out of interest with hobbies. I've had Ts for the most part of two decades, I assure you I was not genuinely passionate for much of that period. Sometimes I would feed , clean, and water them with great enjoyment, other times they were lucky to get the bare minimum care from me.

Right now I'm in the midst of an intense period of interest brought about by a combination of having been T-less for a few years, discovering the variety easily available in this new improved invert market, and the passive peer pressure of these forums. Given my nature, that intensity will wane, but the Ts will be there waiting for me to pick up interest again.

I wouldn't worry about loss of interest, it's quite natural for a hobby that spans decades. The only thing that would concern me is if I couldn't bring myself to spare the care needed to keep them healthy. If I reached that point I'd have to sell them off knowing that I'd be back in a few years anyhow.


Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
Actually Brandon, I'm kind of feeling the same way right now. My brand new 10" male t. blondi died, the female lost a leg due to shipping and my huge ballon of excitement at receiving them has burst. I heven't even LOOKED at my others for two days. I KNOW it's because of my depression over the loss of George, this is the hardest I've ever taken a T death. I didn't even want to come to WORK today... so, like I'm going to do, give it some time. I'm sure you'll snap out of it!

Hey... do you still want an A. eutylenum? Cuz' I have 3 nice, leggy boys.... if THAT cheers you up, send me a p.m.

And, one more thing I want to send you.... :D a big smile!!!