Long Tailed Grass Lizards

Johnny Savage

Old Timer
Oct 13, 2007
Hey everyone, I just bought a pair of these at Petco monday. I presume I got a female and male pair due to their differences in coloration but I think that's irrelevant. My problem is that so far they haven't eaten! All they had at the Petco was a little bowl filled with meal worms. I was advised to do the same and have but I don't know if it's normal for them to not be interested in food at all. The smallest meal worms they had were still about as big as the lizards whole head...might this be the problem?? :?


Old Timer
Feb 6, 2007
I wouldn't recommend meal worms as an everyday food. They should be seen as more of a treat then anything else. Try sticking to small crickets dusted in a calcium supplement because if they don't get calcium their bones will become soft and their jaws will eventually break when they try to feed. Crickets are more nutritious (especially with the supplement) and their fast movements make them more appetizing to the lizard. As a last resort I one time had to pry open my anole's mouth to force feed him when he got ill. Other then that, just toss in some cricket, leave them for 24 hours, if they're not gone by then, take them out and try again in a day or two.

Johnny Savage

Old Timer
Oct 13, 2007
Sweet, thanks for the help guys. They have started to feed on the mealworms but I am definitely gonna buy some crickets this weekend. Later!