I haven't found this to be true. 3 days is an undershot in my opinion. I had several adult dubias get loose a while ago... about 2 months ago at least and I just found another live one the other day and put him back in with the others.All roaches, no matter the species, will die off quicky once their water supply is cut off. In a matter of 3 days without water, all the roaches should be dead or dying.
Yeah, heavily gutloaded roaches can live weeks without water, but are dying at that point. I had a madagascar hisser escape and live several weeks until I found it again. It was still alive and with a strong grip, but not very responsive to food. I put it back into its home and it died later that week.I haven't found this to be true. 3 days is an undershot in my opinion. I had several adult dubias get loose a while ago... about 2 months ago at least and I just found another live one the other day and put him back in with the others.
The idea that roaches are indestructable is a myth or "urban legend". Some will die in a day or two, other species may be able to go a few months, but then die none the less.I thought all roaches are like in destructable.....Is this not true for all Roach species?
Is that really true?However, if you wanted to perpetuate the myth, you could microwave a Periplaneta sp. roach for 2 minutes and it will survive most microwave ovens.