Liscensing questions


Apr 27, 2012
I was contemplating getting a commercial propigating liscense. Being under 18 is it possible for me to get one. Also for cb babies from WC adults do i still need to implant those chips under their skin? Also is it illegal to capture in a metropark area? Thanks in advance


May 28, 2012
I was contemplating getting a commercial propigating liscense. Being under 18 is it possible for me to get one. Also for cb babies from WC adults do i still need to implant those chips under their skin? Also is it illegal to capture in a metropark area? Thanks in advance
A lot of these questions need to be put to your local, state and US fish and wildlife agencies. I would always go direct to them and not people online - you will get up to date info that way.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
Seconding what freedumbdclzvi said-each state has different laws on which animals you can even own in the first place, and within each state, there are local laws to take into account. Here in SC, you do not need any permits to breed animals other than those classed as Endangered species or to raise livestock commercially on a large scale, but in different counties or cities(like Greenville, for ex. where pretty much anything other than a dog or cat or goldfish requires either a permit or is banned completely) you will have to deal with different laws. You're in Ohio, where HSUS is deeply entrenched and calling all the shots where animals are concerned, and the most recent "exotic animal" laws pushed through there are going to make it very difficult to even get permits for those species still allowed, and then of course, there are even-stricter local laws to deal with, so I can tell you that obtaining permits for most species is going to be an uphill battle, and THAT is based on HSUS not getting further restrictions passed in the meantime, since they were not satisfied that the Exotic Animal Law was not a sweeping total ban on everything and if Wayne Pacelli is not satisfied, he's not going to give up.



Apr 27, 2012
I want to but I recently found out how bad they have cracked down. Since I started keeping hot scorps well actually when I started the hobby Ive wanted a hot snake. Now I find out its near impossible, and expensive as hell. My parents know a little about law and my grandma worked at kent PD and when I asked if I should email some of my questions about this and a hot liscense they said I may just be flagging myself. I'm an innocent person who loves the hobby and his animals dearly and all I want is one or two hots. I can demonstrate my safety if it's required. Why must those few people that mess up change how the government views the hobby. Ban the stupid not our snakes!


Jun 26, 2012
I wouldn't worry too much about "flagging yourself" in terms of contacting a game warden or state/federal/local agency. Honestly, these guys can be paranoid and threatening, but if you make them feel like you are an honest person concerned about doing the right thing, they won't have any reason to "remember" you. They're not that bloodthirsty (yet) that they're going to investigate and record any question about venomous reptiles in your state. I know I've contacted state game and wildlife agencies many times for species-specific rules and permits, and although they do take their jobs very seriously, a well-thought-out story and maturity goes a long way. It's always best to know what you're up against before considering bringing a questionable animal into your home, especially venomous reptiles!


Apr 27, 2012
Yeah I know that and I do have news to bring forth as well. My dads friend is buddies with a state official and I'm getting his email. Hopefully I can make a good enough point to maybe get the hot snake laws taken down. I hope so...


May 28, 2012
I wouldn't worry too much about "flagging yourself" in terms of contacting a game warden or state/federal/local agency. Honestly, these guys can be paranoid and threatening, but if you make them feel like you are an honest person concerned about doing the right thing, they won't have any reason to "remember" you. They're not that bloodthirsty (yet) that they're going to investigate and record any question about venomous reptiles in your state. I know I've contacted state game and wildlife agencies many times for species-specific rules and permits, and although they do take their jobs very seriously, a well-thought-out story and maturity goes a long way. It's always best to know what you're up against before considering bringing a questionable animal into your home, especially venomous reptiles!
Well said. In my experience, they have been forthright and polite when I have contacted them. Be honest and non confrontational, and things will be ok.