Let my treefrogs go :)


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
I took in 5 Hyla versicolor earlier this year, and decided to keep them. The longer i kept them in captivity the more i thought how nice it would be to let wild animals be exactly what they are, wild. So i found a park near the location where i found all of them with a nice habitat that was not as polluted and its actually a park so i think they will inhabit it quite nicely :).

I felt pretty good when i let them go, but man do i miss those pretty tunes they would sing me this time in the morning :(. I guess its only proper that i find me some captive bred frogs to replace them and sing me lovely melodies :). However, i must say, i had no idea such small critters could be so much maintenance :eek:.

And before anyone jumps on me about releasing them, they were released in a park very near where they were originally collected. The park has a large population of them, although mostly males it seems, it is now filled with 3 more males and a couple females ;). The location has several flooded temporary bodies of water where they can lay there eggs, and is almost never disturbed by the public.

I know there is some issues with what i have done, but i think the fact that these frogs are becoming more and more rare in these areas means that releasing them in a location where they will not be around as much pollution (acids, etc), might mean that they will have a place to inhabit in peace :).

However, anybody know any species of frogs that i can buy CB that will sing to me? :(


Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
A friend of mine has an african dwarf frog that sings a tiny song at her, it's adorable. :)