Leopard gecko help


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2009
After researching geckos for a while, I bought one yesterday with all of the needed supplies.
I bought it at Petsmart(please don't hurt me, I have no other options and it was a on-the-spot buy, I was planning to buy later.), and all of the geckos there are in terrible condition.
There was an albino gecko that had a thinthinthin tail and it was very bony. There was another gecko that looked relatively healthier, and I chose the last gecko, which looked the healthiest of them all. Somewhat of a fat tail(although still skinny.)
Now I knew this gecko had slim chances of survival in my care, but I still wanted to try saving it.
I noticed it is very lethargic and moves very slowly. Yesterday it didn't want to eat any crickets, but today it ate three small meal worms with calcium dust on them.
Its limbs are a bit bony, and when it leaned up on the glass, I noticed that his stomach had a large internal mass of yellow to the end of his body(I'm guessing impaction?). And his poop is a brown-yellowish color(which I've red is also a bad sign.)
Is there anything I can do for this juvenile gecko, or should I just return it to the store and get a refund?


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
It could be either impaction or parasites (worms). You can either:

1) Make an appointment with a vet, take a fecal sample and let the doctor treat your gecko.

2) Put it in some warm water and see if it poops and clears that yellow spot.

3) Return it for a refund and wish the gecko best of luck.

I would have tried craigslist first.
*Tips* - Don't use loose substrate. Try paper towels/ news paper/tile. Under tank heater (with thermostat) or red heat light (they cannot see it). Use digital thermometers, don't guess (should be 88-95F* hot side, could even get away with 97F but don't push it). Moist hide on hot side is a must.


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2009
It could be either impaction or parasites (worms). You can either:

1) Make an appointment with a vet, take a fecal sample and let the doctor treat your gecko.

2) Put it in some warm water and see if it poops and clears that yellow spot.

3) Return it for a refund and wish the gecko best of luck.

I would have tried craigslist first.
*Tips* - Don't use loose substrate. Try paper towels/ news paper/tile. Under tank heater (with thermostat) or red heat light (they cannot see it). Use digital thermometers, don't guess (should be 88-95F* hot side, could even get away with 97F but don't push it). Moist hide on hot side is a must.
1) I can't afford vet, so that's out of the question.

2) I'll definitely try that.

3) I'll see what I can do first, that's my last resort.


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2009
Well my gecko regurgitated two full mealworms. He hadn't even digested them.
I also tried to soak him a bit in warm water, but nothing happened.
I gently picked him up and saw the large yellow mass to the lower end of his body, and saw that there was a large streak of bright red going down his body(on the inside). Is it just part of his anatomy, or could it be internal bleeding? I just want to be sure.
He's still lethargic and constantly sits in his hide with his eyes closed.
He has absolutely no interest in crickets at all.
Once again, I can't afford a vet can't make the mash stuff to put on his nose.
Anything else I can do?

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
If you can't afford a vet, you can't really afford to have a pet at all, let alone a very obviously ill one from a chain pet store that will die a slow and painful death in your care. You should get the refund while you can, and wait to buy a healthy animal later.


Old Timer
May 14, 2005
thats just part of a leopard gecko. you can see their intestines.



Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
thats just part of a leopard gecko. you can see their intestines.

Hopefully. Mine are on the dark white side so are not very visible. Any chance they had it housed in sand that color? Do you know if they dusted their prey with calcium/vitamins (I highly doubt they did)? Have you considered MBD?


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2009
Ok I've read up on MBD, and not many of the symptoms apply.
He acts lethargic, and when I tried the soaking treatment, I put him in the shallow dish, and he froze up with his front legs kind of facing back.
Like so:
Hope that little rough diagram makes sense.
Anyway, he froze up like that, and gave me "that look."
Then I nudged his side gently and his legs went back to a normal position.
I read that in MBD a symptom is partial paralysis.
I wouldn't really call this action a 'partial paralysis,' and my gut and brain are telling me that this is a normal reaction. So I don't think he has MBD.
He's been doing better now, he ate a few crickets and a mealworm, and he walks around at night, exploring the perimeter. He also pooped a few times(still that dirty green/yellow color, though).
Is there hope for this beautiful creature?


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2009
She seemed to be eating well, she ate 3 crickets last night.
Her poop was now black and white.
But her tail is getting thinner and thinner. Her legs are getting bonier.
I asked my parents for some money for a fecal sample and they said that "it's cheaper to do nothing.":mad: :mad: :mad:
She ate a cricket this evening. I breifly left the room and came back to a regurgitated cricket. She won't eat the mealworms I bought her today.
Just this moment she pooped very liquidy poop.

I hate where this is going.

"Cheaper to do nothing"...sigh.

I tried to return her to another one of the chain stores, but they wouldn't take her because she wasn't bought at that specific store. Thankfully though, there was a girl who knows reptiles and has kept many of them for years(also owns a rosie {D). She agreed to take the gecko and have it humanely euthanized for me because it doesn't need to suffer.
The geckos there were extremely healthy, with very nice tails and they were very active. I bought one of them. Well, that's the end of the thread.
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