I was just wondering if you can keep leopard geckos and fattailed geckos togather? I have heard you can if there is only one male, and I have heard that you can't??
Geckos, like the ones you are speaking of, are solitary by nature.
I myself, would lean towards not keeping them together. Two completely different species. You may be asking for trouble..
Even though fattails and leos are simalur in care and caging requierments the fattails do need more humidity in there cage and leos are more dryer.. I would not recomend that you keep them together, As for how many per cage depending on cage size you can keep pairs or one male to several females per cage..like 1 male leo with 2 or more female leos, 1 male fattail to 1 or more female fattails.. Never keep males together as they will fight and one could kill the other or tails be droped or skin slough off..
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