(Leiopython albertisii) cloaca thing


Sep 4, 2012
I just picked up this White-lipped python (Leiopython albertisii), when I took her out of the tank on the store (cuz the people working there where afraid) I noticed a strong smell, like rancid snake poo, probably they didn't cleaned the tank because the snake was "an aggressive one" and she is, she tagged me twice in the move.
When I got home I noticed that she had a cavity on the right side of the cloaca with dried poo incrusted, I removed the thing and it looks damaged. The cloaca area feels hardened or something. The snake looks pretty healthy despite the smell and that thing on the cloaca. She also have a little lump on her back.
Even with the "shower" she's smelly. Probably an infection.
I live in a small town, my dad is a veterinarian but his speciality are small species and farm animals. He told me to put a antibiotic cream there.
I'd like to hear opinions.
Maybe you guys could refer me to a good reptile forum such as this one.
Thanks in advance


The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
That odor and abnormality sets off my alarm bells. Enteritis and cancer coming to mind. We need PitBullLady to weigh in here.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
Sounds like an abscess that opened to me, and they are very common in wild-caught snakes. Another, and far worse, situation could be egg-binding, where an egg got stuck in the cloaca and rotted and burst open, leaking its contents into the snake's body, a potentially fatal situation. You'd need x-rays to confirm that, but in the meantime, I'd get the snake on injectable antibiotics like Gentomycin or Amaglyde. Parasites can also cause a hard lump near the cloaca, if there are enough of them, so I'd have a fecal done to check for that. I'm betting on an abscess, though. What you thought was dried "poo" could have been a mixture of that and pus/necrotic tissue.
