User LazyWorldDestroyer's Tarantula Journal


Active Member
May 17, 2020
Well I wanted to start a thread on the observation and journey of my first tarantula.

Yesterday marked the day my Caribena Versicolor came in I created a small aboreal habitat for the sling "yes it has proper ventilation including cross ventilation".

I wanted to allow the sling at least a day to settle in and relax. Tortuga stayed in the upper realms of her cork bark all day yesterday after exploring a little and drinking some water. Today when I got home from work the sling was in the same spot.

Everything seemed fine there was no webbing yet and the sling seemed relaxed but looked as if it was waiting for something.

So I found a baby dubia that had just molted. Injured it just a little and set it on the cork bark.

Well it only took a second, and I didn't realize how quick these little guys are but by the time the dubia took its first step Tortuga already had its fangs in it's back.

After the sling let the venom set and seemed to eat a bit, Totuga set it down, and began webbing.

Creating a hammock like area between the cork bark area and the side of the container.

It's extremely interesting to watch the whole process unfold. So far everything seems to be going well.

I'm a dork and decided to keep a paper record of some information. That may be pertinent later on.

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Active Member
Nov 4, 2019
I actually think it’s good that you’re taking info and observing things that are going on. It will ultimately lead you to a better understanding of your T. This in return will help you answer some of your own questions as opposed to freaking out and making posts like: HELP!!! my tarantula hasn’t moved in 3 days, does this mean he has covid-19 or is he just in premolt? Haha. What I’m trying to say is that I think what you are doing is great.


Jul 19, 2019
I agree. That's a great thing to start. I keep a binder with written records for all of mine. Helps prevent overfeeding, keep track of molts, behavior, etc. It shows that you're definitely ahead of the curve. Cute spider, btw :)


Active Member
May 17, 2020
Just a small update Tortuga is still doing wonderful, and starting to web pretty heavily. However it's hard to take pictures of because the enclosure is cylindrical. It's been 6 days since the first feeding and I think I'll wait one more to try another small dubia.

Some other pretty awesome news. I'm officially obsessed with the Tarantula world. I was looking at Jamie's and picked up a over 1 inch sling of A. Metallica. Along with TWO juvenile enclosure kits. I wanted to get a second to get a headstart on Tortugas future habitat.

Also im very interested in keeping all the pink toe species. So that definitely influenced my decision to pick up my second pink toe.

Upon reading up of the importance of humidity and cross ventilation I think I'll be adding some holes to the juvenile enclosures even though Jamie's enclosures are well made there definitely some alterations I think should be made. Just in particular to the Avicularia species.


Active Member
May 17, 2020
Well Tortuga fed again today on a small roach. I probably wont feed her for another two weeks now that she/hes eaten twice. She started to web quiet extensively creating funnel like structures. Very interesting. I know the photos aren't great but it's very small and hard to focus on even in some momentary natural light. 20200602_183724.jpg

Also some other new a reptile/invert show is coming to my local area. "The pittsburgh reptile show at the harmar house" and I can't wait to get a look at some new interest! Particularly pink toes!

Tomorrow my order from Jamie's comes in I got two aboreal enclosures and an Avic. Avic morphtype 6. Very very excited!