LASER Pointers can damage eyes

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Not putting this up for debate or dispute. Just some facts From P Edgeton, MS. Nuclear Imaging, MS. Imaging and Photometrics.

Green Lasers are not to be considered safe whether direct or reflected light. Green lasers are extremely difficult to meter and limit the power output. The light commonly extends into the infrared spectrum. Only high quality green lasers with a certified IR filter should be considered somewhat safe and long term exposure has yet to be fully tested.

Never expose yourself or any animal to the light. Direct and reflected green laser light is capable of damaging the retina and the eye is defenseless since IR light will not trigger protective reflexes.


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2008
I work for a company that has military contracts for optics and lasers just like this. We have a few products that are civilian restricted for this reason. Some idiot trying to blind a pilot who is attempting to land a plane full of people etc. We as well as other manufactures have found interesting ways to harness LEDs to have almost the same range and use without the damaging affects of true lasers. Dead thread I know, just an interesting thought. :)

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
LEDs as a light source?
The military is miles ahead of the public sector very often. They get the $$$ for cutting edge development and various gadgets eventually get released for public use.
The major concern which this thread brings up is knock off LASER like devices as the one next to my elbow. It is identical to the relatively safe ones but possesses no IR filter and emits light that can damage the retina which the eye is defenseless against. Even reflected off a surface this thing is emitting several hundred times the acceptable maximum of IR. In this case, the 2mw maximum is guesstimated at around >200. IE, staring at the sun blast of radiation with nothing to force the pupil to contract.


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2008
LEDs as a light source?
The military is miles ahead of the public sector very often. They get the $$$ for cutting edge development and various gadgets eventually get released for public use.
The major concern which this thread brings up is knock off LASER like devices as the one next to my elbow. It is identical to the relatively safe ones but possesses no IR filter and emits light that can damage the retina which the eye is defenseless against. Even reflected off a surface this thing is emitting several hundred times the acceptable maximum of IR. In this case, the 2mw maximum is guesstimated at around >200. IE, staring at the sun blast of radiation with nothing to force the pupil to contract.

My point being, we offer civilian "lasers" that are actually LEDs, to avoid the exact type of dangers you referenced in the OP. Pretty interesting stuff really.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
My point being, we offer civilian "lasers" that are actually LEDs, to avoid the exact type of dangers you referenced in the OP.
Any idea how much one of the LED ones costs?

I was aware of overpowered LASERS, pirated, cheap knock offs and the like on the market. Thought they weren't too common. I went and bought a LASER pointer, green. Shining it at a wall it was irritating to my eyes and made me think. I checked the innards and no, no filter. Then did a bit of research and checked the current draw with a meter. Literally went off the uA scale and had to read on the mA. Initial surge calculated at >.4 watts dimming to around .220. Shined directly in an animals eyes that would start frying the retina in a few seconds.
Did an interesting test with this one. Did some line of sight checking then mounted the unit pointing at a temple on a hill about 2 miles away. Took a half dozen tries realigning it but finally found the spot. Only 3 inches across and nearly as bright as in the same room shone on a wall, and just as irritating. I wonder how much IR got through at that distance.

By the way, maybe you can tell me. I'm thinking general amplification here, ala sound waves. With sound the unwanted propagation is the third harmonic. Is the IR emissions referred to the same way or is light called by different term?
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