I'd say thats a dogday harvestfly or Tibicen canicularis. It's a memeber of the cicada family. Pretty good find though. It takes nymphs 3 years to become adults, so think of it as that obstruction in your path was three years in the making. Upon more reading, I found that they are commonly found on the hot "dog days" of summer... hence the name. Hope that helps! That's my guess anyways.
Around here, Alabama, we call them July Flys. They are the bugs that make that loud chirping noise at night. Kinda like a cricket but much louder and for longer duration of time(like a bull frog/cricket hybrid sound)........I wish I knew the latin name for them as that would help you more but I don't. Very common around here though. As a child my cousins and I used to see who could collect the most of their exoskeletons. You could always find them on trees (mostly pine) and around buildings. Neat little bugs!
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