L2 Mantid shipping questions

Steven Busch

Oct 31, 2007
I did a trade with someone for 10 mantids last week, receiving them Thursday. I was to receive 10 L2's. I was told by the sender they had forgotten to spray the mantids and had lost several of the others he owned as they were trying to molt. The sender sent 11, 8 arrived alive with one weak. They were sent together in a 32 oz meshed topped deli cup with a large piece of dry foam flopped up in the bottom and a fake vine piece and no food. They were extremely hyper, and refused food upon arrival. They were immediately setup in individual cups and hydrated, yet over the next 2 days several more died leaving us with 4 of the 11 sent. These 4 molted by Sunday (within 3 days of arrival) are eating and acting like mantids should act.

My question is with the preshipping lack of misting and the poor shipping conditions are the continued deaths something the seller can reasonably expect the receipient to absorb? I was offered a cash refund on the 3 doa's, but told it is my problem on the rest even though they say "It may not be your fault, but I really cannot be responsible for that". They say they have no additional mantids to send but are currently running an ad for them.

I am interested in input as I import mantids from Malaysia. My importing has less then a 7% death loss all the way from Malaysia so am perplexed on this trade resulting in a 60% loss coming across the US.


Steve Busch
Yoncalla Frog