You might also browse KenTheBugGuy's site. He usually has some nice mantids in stock. I've gotten unicorns, double shields and orchids from him before that were in robust health, and at a fair price.
Down the street from my house there is an organic plant nursery. They sell mantid eggs - 200 for 13.00 us. She keeps them in a fridge and says they'll hatch in 2 weeks after the temp is above 70 f.
So you might try to find some eggs or nymphs locally at a nursery that sells benificial insects. If not I could send you some.
200 Mantids is alot though, lol. they are not comunal.
The lady told me she kept them in the fridge and they would'nt hatch until they reached 70 degrees...and stayed above 70 for 2 weeks. But then again I guess if they stayed good for long periods she would keep them in stock all year.
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