My friend's kingsnake sounds like it sneezes... it emits this sound frequently and sounds kind of like a mouse squeak. Anyone know what's going on? It's a young kingsnake.
I second the respitory infection idea. Wheezing, bubbles, raspy sounds, are all signs of it. Its hard to say how bad it is via internet though. If I were them I'd clean the cage out, remove the water bowl, and warm it up a bit and see if that takes care of it first. Tell them to take it to a vet if it doesnt go away in a week or so or if it gets worse. There's a 95% chance that your local vet will put it on baytril which isnt effective for all types of infections. I learned this the hard way my local vet cost me a pricy snake by burning out its kidneys with the stuff after it didnt work the first 2 rounds. If they know what their doing theyll do a trachea flush and send it out to be cultured to find out whats growing in there and which anti-biotic is most effective against that type of bacteria. A trachea flush/culture/antibiotics will probably run around $100 or so. Good luck!
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