A friend that I dealt with a few times when it came to slings or trades for snakes had 2 specific rooms in his house dedicated to the T hobby. One was solely for T's, and the other roaches and feeder insects.
Well I brought him a snake as a trade and he told me that he had a T lay an egg sack, and aparently the babies had hatched or something, all but like 5 got out, and were loose in his house somewhere.
Anyone ever have this happen? It would be kind of cool like 3 years down the road finding surprise T's all throughout your house.
Like living on the edge. lol
Well I brought him a snake as a trade and he told me that he had a T lay an egg sack, and aparently the babies had hatched or something, all but like 5 got out, and were loose in his house somewhere.
Anyone ever have this happen? It would be kind of cool like 3 years down the road finding surprise T's all throughout your house.
Like living on the edge. lol