kenyan sand boa question


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2004
I'm getting a kenyan sand boa baby shortly. While I have a proper sized enclosure for her while she's small, I'm being wondering if the container I reserved for her in the future is good.

From my research I understand adult females would do fine in a 20 gallon tank. What I current have for her when she's an adult, though, measures at 24in x 14in x 5 in. I know the width and length is enough, they're about the same width & length as most common 20 gal. tanks, but is it high enough? 5 inches seem somewhat shallow, but I also understand that these snakes spent all their time burrowed in the substrate. Ultimately, is height really that important for sand boas, and is my 5 inch high container good enough for an adult female?


Old Timer
Jun 9, 2005
The only possible issue is it might not be deep enough to have enough substrate for them to burrow in. I used to keep about 4 inches of substrate in my sand boa's enclosure. 5 will work but it might be tight.


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
They are also escape artists!! Be sure you have a lid that CANNOT be pushed up at all! If there is a tiny gap they will squeeze through it no problem.
They also need a place, hide, whatever that can be moist. I use butter tubs with my kenyans and have a moist paper towel in there. When they shed they spend a LOT of time in there, they seem to appreciate the moisture factor. You also need a place to feed them (I feed mine in the moist hide) where they wont ingest the substrate and get impacted.


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2004
Oh yeah I've heard about the humid box thing for them. But the container I got is one of them plastic tupperware sweater boxes (It's got it's own lock at 2 of the sides, but the sides without the lock thingie got some space for the lid to be lifted), something lots of people use, how do people usually escape proof these things?


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
I would put something heavy on top of it :D I have those rack system cages so they cant push a lid off. Its like a drawer. If I were to have them in a tub like that I would set something heavy on the lid. They can push that open NO problem!!! They are very persistant and will nose around the whole lid til they find the slightest give then they will WORK at that spot til they get out.
A baby can be put in a 10 gal. That way the sides are high and they cannot reach the top. If you have substrate in the bottom (I use crushed walnut, they like the weight of it overthem) that they like, they will feel more secure and not seek to escape as much.
If you get a male kenyan, a 10 gal tank will do for its whole life. If you get a female then a 20gal or bigger will be good.
They are wonderfully sweet docile snakes! Very much worth the trouble of escape proofing! Very mellow snakes. They are pretty content to hang out on your hand and they dont always have "somewhere to go" like those darn colubrids :D (I love my colubrids too)